Setup 1 [ (BALISET) ] (Worthless.) (This is a worthless card.) {} Edict 1 [ (CHOAM) (BOON) ] (Collect 5 Spice) ( from every player. Play between challenges.) {} Edict 1 [ (FAMILY) (ATOMICS) ] (Both main players) (lose their tokens to the Warp. Play before allies are invited.) {} Edict 1 [ (GHOLA) ] (When another player removes) (tokens from the Warp, you may remove an equal number of your own.) {} Edict 1 [ (GOM) (JABBAR) ] (Send one token) (from anywhere to the Warp. Play at any time.) {} Edict 1 [ (HUNTER-) (SEEKER) ] (Send one of your opponent's) (tokens to the Warp. Play as a main player before cards are revealed.) {} Edict 1 [ (JUBBA) (CLOAK) ] (Worthless.) (This is a worthless card.) {} Edict 1 [ (KULL) (WAHAD) ] (Worthless.) (This is a worthless card.) {} Edict 1 [ (KULON) ] (Worthless.) (This is a worthless card.) {} Edict 1 [ (KWISATZ) (HADERACH) ] (One token in a challenge) (is worth 15 (for calculating totals only). This token may not be enhanced. \ Play at any time before cards are revealed.) {} Edict 1 [ (LA LA LA) ] (Worthless.) (This is a worthless card.) {} Edict 1 [ (LANDS-) (RAAD) ] (Draw a random power) (from those not in use, and add it to your own for one challenge.) {} Edict 1 [ (LASGUN) ] (Remove all allies from 1 side.) (Their tokens go to the Warp. Play before cards are revealed.) {} Edict 1 [ (MENTAT) ] (As an ally, you may look) (at the opposing main player's challenge cards before any are played, \ and advise your ally without naming any specific cards.) {} Edict 1 [ (SHAI) (HULUD) ] (If you win as the main player,) (collect half the Spice (rounding up) of the losing player.) {} Edict 1 [ (SHIELD) ] (Nullify) (any Edict or Wild Flare played against you.) {} Edict 1 [ (STILSUIT) ] (Retain one token) (when you must lose more than one to the Warp. You choose which token to keep. \ Play after you must lose tokens.) {} Edict 1 [ (THUMPER) ] (Cause the offensive player) (to reposition the Cone. Play before cards are revealed.) {} Edict 1 [ (TLEILAXU) ] (You may negotiate) (to return from the Warp some or all tokens of another player \ for one Spice per token.) {} Edict 1 [ (TRIP) (TO) (GAMONT) ] (Worthless.) (This is a worthless card.) {} Edict 1 [ (WATER) (OF) (LIFE) ] (Expose the card) (currently under bid.) {} Edict 1 [ (WEIRDING) (WAY) ] (Transforms your attack card) (into the same value as your opponent's. Play as a main player.) {} Edict Finished