HAWK [M:BB:] PLAYS ATTACK CARDS AS WAR CARDS) You have the power to make war. As a main player in a challenge, whenever you play an Attack card higher than 10 (before any modification), it is considered instead to be a War card. History: Belligerent and unpredictable, Hawks consider overreaction a virtue and will often respond to even the slightest provocation with excessive force, whatever the risk or cost. Their predilection toward violence is such, in fact, that many wonder if Hawks are not so much interested in conquering the Cosmos as they are in merely fighting over it. Restriction: Use only in a game with War Cards. Wild: After cards are revealed in any challenge, if a War card was played, you may declare all played challenge cards (on both sides) to be War cards. Super: As an ally, if the main player you are allied with plays an Attack card higher than 10 (before any modification), you may declare it to be a War card instead. PEACENIK [O:BB:] SENDS WAR PROTESTERS You have the power of demonstrations. Whenever a main player in any challenge (other than yourself) plays a War card, you may immediately move three or more of your tokens to any one of his planet bases. He must then decide to either allow these tokens to remain, or else send all of your and his tokens on that planet to the warp.\r\r A player unable or unwilling to communicate such a decision (for example, a "silenced" player) is assumed to allow the tokens to remain. If Filth allows the tokens to remain, he must vacate the planet (tokens return to other bases). History: Dig these far-out Star Children, man, as they frug from planet to planet in psychedelic, bell-bottomed spacesuits, spreading a message of Cosmic Grooviness. Aggressive neighbors who make war, not love, cringe as vast flocks of civilly disobedient Peaceniks descend on their worlds to party and protest. So far, however, The Establishment has yet to find a way to put down the Peacenik movement without destroying the rest of society in the process. Restriction: Use only in a game with War Cards. Wild: Whenever a main player in any challenge (other than yourself) plays a War card, you may transfer some or all of your Compromise cards from your hand to his. Super: Whenever the offensive main player in any challenge (other than yourself) plays an Attack card and wins the challenge, you may immediately move three or more of your tokens to any one of his planet bases. He must then decide to either allow these tokens to remain, or else send all of your and his tokens on that planet to the warp.