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  • 06:36 UTC (diff) WaxWayAndWaz . . . . RonHaleEvans One night at dinner in the spring of 2009, my wife Marty jokingly proposed "way" ("yaw" backwards) as the 4D equivalent of pitch, roll, and yaw. On . . .
  • 06:21 UTC (diff) WaxWayAndWaz . . . . RonHaleEvans One night at dinner in the spring of 2009, my wife Marty jokingly proposed "way" ("yaw" backwards) as the 4D equivalent of pitch, roll, and yaw. On . . .
  • 06:16 UTC (new) WaxWayAndWaz . . . . RonHaleEvans One night at dinner in the spring of 2009, my wife Marty jokingly proposed "way" ("yaw" backwards) as the 4D equivalent of pitch, roll, and yaw. On . . .

