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FWD: SpringDance Alien City screenshot


I am forwarding you a link sent to me by a friend who created an Alien
City setup within a 3D geometric modelling program called SpringDance,
which can be obtained at no cost for MS-Windows from
<http://www.shapeofspace.org/springdance/>.  (I do not know what the
license is.)

John played one Alien City game against himself and says it would be
feasible to play the game via email by mailing the file containing the
board description back and forth.  He remarks that one benefit of
playing Alien City with SpringDance over playing with an ordinary
board and pieces is that the towers and domes completely fill their
quadrants, so it is quite obvious where there is and isn't a road.

I should mention that John is an ex-Chess Master and he *loves* Alien
City; he says it is simple to learn and yet quite deep.  Couldn't
agree more.


p.s. I'm guessing that in the screenshot, the tall pyramids are
towers, the low pyramids are domes, and the slightly taller
transparent pyramids with edges of yellow or purple are caps.  The Xs
on the tiles must be where the small suit markings are.

----- Forwarded message from John Braley <tau@...> -----

Delivery-date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 08:25:28 -0800
From: John Braley <tau@...>
Subject: At your request... SpringDance Alien City screenshot


Let me know if you are interested in seeing my Alien City recording 

-- John

----- End forwarded message -----

         Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... & rwhe@...
           Center for Ludic Synergy, Seattle Cosmic Game Night, 
Kennexions Glass Bead Game &  Positive Revolution FAQ: http://www.ludism.org/
Home page & Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List: http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/