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Updated games: Maze Makers and Temple of Gold

Just want to let everyone know that I've updated the rules to two of my
games tonight. They are:

- MazeMakers: http://www.ludism.org/ppwiki/MazeMakers

We played it tonight a few times with our son and it was fun, but found a
few problems that had to be fixed. Mainly, the fact that one player could
permanently block another player. This is a problem that was almost
impossible in a 2 player game, so it wasn't until we played with more
players that we realized about it :)

I'm pretty happy with how this game has turned out, and I now like the
pentominos version better. It looks great on the table and everything seems
more clear... It's a pretty light game, but also one that can be played with

- Temple of Gold: http://www.ludism.org/ppwiki/TempleOfGold

Ron published the rules for this entry to the Good Portsmanship contest (a
port of Goldland by Wolfgang Kramer) just as I had sent them to him. But
they had a few problems and errors that made the game quite confusing. I've
fixed those and tried to make things more clear. I've also added a page with
a couple of playaids to remember what each suit means. They're text only
(had no more time tonight) but they should help at least a bit. I've also
re-formated the whole pdf so its look is consistent with my other games.

I actually went through a 4 player game to check the rules and make sure
everything worked, and it does (at least it seems so). But I admit this game
is a bit too complex in that you have to constantly remember what each suit
is associated with (like suns = desert, summer = lake or food, etc...). Most
of them are quite logical but it still takes a while to remember them well.
In a way, to me it represents one of the dangers of piecepack design: to try
to give a specific meaning to too many elements (usually because we want a
more thematic game). If not done carefully, it can make the game too hard to
play... Still in this case I think the game is still playable, especially
with a playaid.

