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< RonHaleEvans\\//Version 210214a//
< Here are some guidelines for creating [[http://www.gtoal.com/wordgames/ letter-by-letter wordgames]] such as LiquidCrystals or DisappearingSpell
< with the [[https://ludism.org/ppwiki/SixteenSegments Sixteen Segments piecepack game subsystem]]. Your game does not have to use these!
< They are meant to be a starting point, not the end.
< **Tiles**: Words in SixteenSegments word games are created by placing PiecepackMatchsticks on the backs of piecepack tiles, mimicking
< 16-segment electronic displays (see below). Tile edges represent the outer segments of the displays.
< You can imagine the diagonal segments.
< **Sticks in use**: The grid side of each piecepack tile can hold at most one character
< (letter, number, or special character such as
< punctuation). Characters are composed of piecepack matchsticks with
< the following values: Ace (short orthogonal), 2 (short diagonal), 3
< (long orthogonal), 5 (long diagonal), and Null (dot, period, or
< decimal point).
< Thus, you can use all piecepack matchsticks except value 4 to create characters.
< Value 4 is the "knight's move" stick that has no counterpart on the display.
< You can use these for another purpose,
< such as tracking money or victory points.
< [[image/class:https://www.ludism.org/ppwiki/download/PiecepackMatchstickLengths.jpg|The six piecepack matchsticks||The six piecepack matchsticks (from top left: N, A, 2, 3, 4, 5). Matchstick 4 is not used.|]]
< **Available characters**: The table below lists all acceptable characters in SixteenSegments games. Some games may
< have even stricter limitations, such as using only capital letters, or
< only hyphens (-) and apostrophes (') as special characters in words.
< [[http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~dinov/courses_students.dir/PIC10B_CPP_Summer01.dir/PIC10B_CPP_Summer01.dir/ASCII_table.htm Consult an ASCII chart]]
< if you're having trouble recognizing some of the characters.
< [[image/class:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmadison/LED-Segment-ASCII/master/Images/All%20Characters/16-Segment-ASCII-All.png|16-segment ASCII chars (all)||All printable ASCII characters on a 16-segment display (click image for more detail)|]]
< **Seventeenth segment**: You may notice in this chart that some characters use a dot to the lower right,
< particularly the period (.), decimal point, exclamation
< point (!), question mark (?), and so on. You can consider this a 17th segment, and you can
< represent it with a Null stick to the lower right of a tile.
< The dot is also useful to distinguish a lower-case //x// from an upper-case
< //X// if you are playing with lower-case letters. (In the table above, they are the same.)
< **Long sticks**: You can (and in some games must) substitute a long stick for two short sticks of the same kind
< (orthogonal or diagonal), if the long pieces do not cross any other
< long pieces. For example, you may make an //X// out of one long and
< two short diagonals, but not two long diagonals.
< **Dictionaries**: Players may agree on any references as an
< authority for their game. It's also suggested during guessing games
< that the words be something that all players are likely to
< know. For more guidelines on acceptable words, see
< [[http://alphagames.org/alphawiki/Games the Games page on the Alpha Word Game System wiki]].

