Tonnvane 20Wiswell

I realized a few years ago that the highlight of my social life in Seattle has been game nights for rather a long time. Although I do enjoy the occasional round of Dalmuti, Lunch Money, etc., I have recently been swept up in German Game Madness and have replaced my weekly MahJong? game with Puerto Rico (or Settlers of Catan, or ... you name it). I used to attend the Seattle Cacophony Society's monthly Game Testing Nights, where we vied to see who could come up with the strangest games. This strongly affected the content of my list of owned games.

I have hopes of creating my own games some day and have about four in varying states of discreation. When I judge them suitable for public display, I'll bring them along to a Seattle Cosmic night.

I'm also trying to push my Seattle Puerto Rico group that I'm running on LiveJournal? - even though LJ membership is free I've got it set up for non-members to post. Stop by and have a look and see if it's interesting to you. Most of our gaming is weeknights, but there's really just no telling when we might be up for a game or two.