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  • 21:06 UTC (diff) Comments on EasySlider . . . . mark biggar I left the bottom row of null tile in BrainBurn in unspecified order for exactly that reason, it makes the game always solvable. Sliding tile . . .
  • 19:43 UTC (diff) Comments on EasySlider . . . . RonHaleEvans Just to be clear, to update the rules, I need to reinstall the software I used to write them back in 2003 and do various other things, so I'm . . .
  • 19:03 UTC (diff) Comments on EasySlider . . . . RonHaleEvans It just occurred to me that if you want to make some solitaire EasySlider games impossible to solve, you can require that the null tiles in the . . .
  • 18:37 UTC (diff) Comments on EasySlider . . . . RonHaleEvans What's the distinction between a solitaire game and a solitaire puzzle? Also, just because you //can// always win EasySlider as a solitaire doesn't . . .
  • 18:26 UTC (new) Comments on EasySlider . . . . RonHaleEvans My first thought was "This is great! Square Off for the Piecepack!!!" This was introduce to me in a 4 player game by the designers a little while . . .

