Reading Group 170917

164.15-168.14 (end of Chapter 6)

Ron, Marty, Gerry, Will B, Christine, Will R, baby Carla, dogs

Marty & Ron's House

Besides reading four pages of the book (to the line), we had a policy meeting and talked about some ways to improve the group.

Policies we agreed on included the following:

  1. We should meet by default on the third Sunday of the month. The next three meetings will occur by default on 15 Oct, 19 Nov, and 17 Dec.
  2. If we know we can't get at least four people attending, we'll cancel the meeting or postpone it to the fourth or fifth Sunday. (One of the four should be Ron or Marty.)
  3. We may start experimenting with alternative venues, such as libraries or the back rooms of cafes. (Cloud City Coffee again, the Redmond Library, Victor's, Soul Food?)
  4. We should speak loudly and clearly for the sake of members with hearing difficulty.
  5. Members would like more structure. Examples: formal reading rituals*, designating someone to start off the next meeting, deciding ahead of time how many pages we'll try to read, extending John's homework either on the wiki or Rizzoma. Ron will get this started.

*Examples: ThreefoldReading, ShemAndShaun

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From Will B: Wake in the Wild: