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Re: Working on Rules?

--- In piecepack@y..., jdroscha@g... wrote:
> Greetings All,
>    I was just curious how many folks out there are 
> currently "working" (in any sense) on one or more rule sets for 
> piecepack games.  Just trying to get a feel for the 
> current "developer community" as it were.

Hi, as I posted in an earlier message I am trying to write a book 
of 100 games for the piecepack.  So far I have brainstormed 16 
concepts.  I am starting to flesh out these initial concepts.  Here 
are two that I am particularly excited about:

Be the first kid to collect a treat from every house in town and get 
back home safely.  Do you dare go into the haunted manor, or 
old cemetery?  Bad things might happen, but the brave are often 
rewarded.  Play tricks on opponents to slow them down.  
Random board layout and lots of dice rolling keep the game 
unpredictable and chaoticly fun.

This is a conversion of a board game idea I came up with back 
in 1990, but did nothing with at the time.  The original idea would 
take about 2 piecepacks worth of pieces, but it is scaling very 
nicely.  players take turns moving pieces according to strict 
movement rules.  Players win by capturing opposing pieces or 
special spaces called quarm.

Rob Mundschau