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piecepack on memepool!

Two great all-lower-case things that taste great together: piecepack
and memepool...

For those of you who don't know it, the memepool website
<http://www.memepool.com/> archives interesting links to other sites,
with (frequently funny, sometimes sardonic) reviews.  I was just
accepted as a contributor, and one of the first three entries I
submitted was about the piecepack.  I did a search of the memepool
archives, and "piecepack" was not mentioned anywhere, so I submitted
the following:


The piecepack is public domain game system that is to board games what
an ordinary deck of cards is to card games. You can buy wooden
piecepacks or print your own. If you get really interested, join the
mailing list.  

to Games by tinfoil


All memepool entries are readable by themselves, but contain multiple
hyperlinks to other sites.  For example, the words "buy wooden
piecepacks" are a hyperlink to <http://www.mesomorph.com/>, the words
"print your own" link to <http://www.piecepack.org/Printable.html>,
and so on. Check memepool out and you'll see for yourself.

The piecepack entry is currently near the top of the page, but as new
entries are added, it will slide down to the bottom.  In about a month
it will be taken off the front page entirely, but it will be archived
permanently in two places:

the memepool Games archive <http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Games/>
my personal archive <http://memepool.com/Author/tinfoil/>

Yes, my memepool ID is "tinfoil".

Dave and Karol, expect a sudden increase in hits at piecepack.org and
mesomorph.com.  When the website of an activist organization I belong
to <http://www.seafattle.org/> was mentioned by someone on memepool
last year, there was a rapid upswing in people accessing our site for
a few days.  The memepool effect isn't as intense as the Slashdot
effect, but it is significant.

Ron H-E

         Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... & rwhe@...
           Center for Ludic Synergy, Seattle Cosmic Game Night, 
Kennexions Glass Bead Game &  Positive Revolution FAQ: http://www.ludism.org/
Home page & Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List: http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/
    == You meet the most interesting people when you're a solipsist. ==