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Re: Ludic Synergy contest notes

--- In piecepack@y..., Ron Hale-Evans <rwhe@l...> wrote:

> 4. Apologies to James for setting our deadline so close to his
>    Protospiel 2002 piecepack game design contest:
>      http://www.protospiel.150m.com/
>    We completely forgot about this until Stephen Glenn posted a
>    reminder about the Protospiel convention a couple of weeks ago.

Actually, it's not my contest exactly.  The Protospiel 2002 
organizers are sponsoring the contest and have asked me to be one of 
the judges.

Due to the timing difficulties of running a design competition at, or 
concluding a design competition at, a convention, they have expressed 
that they have not yet decided for certain whether or not to hold the 
competition.  Either way, no harm done.
