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Re: JCD piecepack

--- In piecepack@y..., Ron Hale-Evans <rwhe@l...> wrote:
> These are *beautiful*.  Thank you so much for making them freely
> available.

Your welcome. Glad you like them.

> I have a few questions.
> * Are the pawn belts meant to be used for round, wooden pawns of the
>   style sold by Mesomorph? 

Yep. I bought my pieces at Stokade Supplies, which I believe has the standard pawn sizes.. the belts ended up being a little short to go all the way around the pawns, but still look good.


 Also, what are the extra coin graphics in
>   sparebits.pdf for?

When I was in the process of cutting and glueing the pieces to wood, I broke the work up into multiple days, and lost a few pieces. Before the next day of workin' on the set, I had the brainchild of pawn belts, and so just threw the sparebits that i needed on the same sheet as the pawn belts. If I had been thinking in advance, the pawn belts would appear on the same same sheet with the rest of the suit.

> * I played around with them, but don't really understand how the
>   triangular markings on the grid side of the tiles work.  Would you
>   please explain?

The triangle markings on the back are designed to create a trianglular grid using offset rows of tiles...

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> * I noticed there are pawn belts with some extra suits.  Are you
>   planning to release other components for these suits?
Yep, I am interested in producing the 4 card suits as well, but it may take a little time. I am very busy and I would like to take some time to work on an entry in the latest competition.

> Thanks again for making the JCD piecepack freely available.

Your welcome, enjoy.