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RE: [piecepack] Re: piecepackplus

boardgamesbook <mailto:boardgamesbook@...> wrote:

I agree with what Derek has to say. I think the Piecepack can be extended,
so long as extensions are backwards-compatible with "original spec
piecepack" games. My only worry is that portability of the piecepack will be
reduced by most extensions.

I am trying to assemble a list of established old abstract games that will
fit with the piecepack (I'll post a separate message about that later) and I
have been struggling. There are two main problems: (1) the existing
piecepack set only allows for six pieces per player (2) the grids on the
back of the tiles only allows even sized boards e.g. 4x4, 6x4, 8x8.
Extensions that fix these problems would be great for me.

Personally I do not like the pp+ adoption of new suit symbols. I agree with
Ron Hale-Evans, the original suits were better. However, I agree with Derek
that it's down to the individual. Incidentally, I agree with Derek that the
fifth suit should be yellow, as it ties in with the standard set of Icehouse

> I do think that there is a bigger
> universe of "universal board game systems" which piecepack is
> inviting us to explore. It does seem though, unfortunately, that this
> forum is *not* the place to do it.  Which is a pity.

This is a great place to do it. It's useful that we're having a full and
frank exchange of views.
