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Mathemtical Reasoning for Expanding Piecepack?I

I know I have rusty math at times, but follow me on this. If we take 
the 5x5 tile layout (hole in the center) it would seem to me that 
the 4 suits would all get 24 spaces for coins. 6  coins are 
currently used, leaving 18 spaces for coins. Now, I may not be the 
first to figure this out, but if we have 4 coins in total that are 
the same, wouldnt this work out?  Stratego and Chess/Shogi games 
become easier to play at this time. If we use 48 coins in two player 
games, wouldn't this cover GO? (on a 5x5 layout at least). Mancala 
and perhaps, if coins where kept on certain sides, Glass Bead Games 
could be implemented. It also seems intuitive to me, that each tile 
has four coins that can "claim" it. That is, for the Sun-Ace-Tile, 
there are four Sun-Ace-Coin. (Which would fit four times on the 

Perhaps, we should differinate suit and color, so 2 player games and 
4 player games can be easier to play with the same pieces. Also, 
if 'Bring your own Piecepack' games grow, in some cases, the suit 
sides of coins would be better if personalized to some extent. (I 
had a previous much older post on this) [Post 824... some 10 months 
ago] If only the suit side is 'personalized' (Each coin having the 
same icon,suit,symbol,logo but in 4 different colors) but the value 
side kept the same across the board, I think then that 1 2 (3) and 4 
player games could be implemented. 
