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    This will be an interesting Competition. I agree that the games 
will be better put together than if one person were to do it alone. 
I think that his will be easier said than done. The imediate 
concern, is that the entries will be few, As the number of people, 
to be fully involved in each new game will be at least halfed. The 
time to create such games will probably also be twice as long. The 
converting process (for lack of a better term) this competition 
implies (...All entrants are invited to join the Yahoo Group...)
will hopefully overcome this minor drawback.

    Previous competitions had low turnouts due to a complicated 
theme. I do not see a theme that is directly game-design related 
with this competition. These two factors combined will surely be the 
wrecking ball or cornerstone to this competition.  Perhaps a better 
name would have been Sibling Rivalry. Conflicts will arise with the 
co-authors, I hope that they will all be worked out peacefully. 

    I was going to ask what was to prevent one person from 
pretending to be two different people. But I see that the concern 
this competition invented, it also solves. I guess this would be a 
great follow up to the Solitare competition. Personaly, given my 
current projects, I was hoping the next competition would be a 
source of inspiration for me.At the present, no idea comes rushing 
to my mind, like the other 3 competitions I have entered created.  I 
know the due date is about 4 months away, I hope this will be enough 
time for me. 

    Even if the competition was on a different theme, I feel that 
piecepack is ready to gain new members. Ideas, Comments, and Games 
seem to come out faster and faster than ever before. I am involved 
with Icehouse and SLICK, but I think that after 100 games, the list 
added with lack of community, has entered a state of near stasis. 

      Piecepack may seem to be taking one step backward to take two 
forward. Soon, the sheer number of members in the comunity will 
solve this problem. Where some members are not as powerful, other 
members will take up the slack. 

 And now begins the the great silent period where other members 
inquire why everyone is so quiet.
