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Re: Games with adult themes

--- In piecepack@yahoogroups.com, Chris Sullivan <feedle@f...> wrote:
> To some extent, I would agree: however, one could make an argument that
> the "rest of the First World" generally doesn't share our puritanical
> views towards sex in the US, and would be sitting there scratching
> their heads that we're making an issue out of a couple mildly
> sexually-themed games.  Comic Sutra seems no worse than Twister on the
> face of it, and certainly no worse than many of the adult party games
> sold on the shelf at places like Barnes and Noble.  (Advice: don't play
> Pictionary with freaks)

No argument here.  Comic Sutra, to me, is by no stretch of the
imagination offensive; and Adultery, in its execution, becomes
somewhat humorous (IMHO).  I myself was recently working on a set of
rules whose original theme was far more risqué than Comic Sutra.
However, I found that I could fairly easily retheme the rules to make
them non-sexually oriented; but then probably not as fun either. :D
If I submit anything to the pp group or to piecepack.org, it's likely
to be the 'family friendly' version.  Once it's finsihed (i.e.:
playtested a bit mechanically), however, I'd make both available; the
family version publicly through these channels, and the adult themed
one privately by request.

> I would even support a decision by them to exclude games that just
> don't "play well" or have problematic instructions (note that at the
> moment, I don't have any concrete examples of same).  Anything that
> makes Piecepack more "accessible" by more people is a Good Thing, not
> only for Mesomorph's business, but for our community at large.

Yup, full agreement here.

> This is the crux of the problem, really.  As Piecepack grows, there are
> going to be games that people are going to write that will definitely
> offend, and in far worse ways than a little sexual innuendo.  Where are
> we going to draw the line?

My impulse is to leave it all open for now.  The garbage will be
ignored, and the truly good material will shine and remain popular.

> Obviously, anything that encourages any illegal activity should be
> right out.  For my vote, anything that encourages violence or hate
> towards others should be scrutinized.

Even the issue of what 'encourages illegal activity' is subjective.  A
game that has rules for assaulting opponents physically when a certain
die result appears, or some ridiculous thing like that would certainly
be objectionable; but some would even object to games that have themes
of illegal activity without any reality to that activity (such as a
game about a diamond heist, or a train roberry).

>  Sexuality should probably remain
> right at the threshold of innuendo, and perhaps Comic Sutra could use a
> little touch-up to make it more.. um.. *nudge nudge* in tone.
> Actually, it probably would improve the read of the rules.

I'm not sure I agree entirely here.  To some degree, innuendo gives a
more coquettish, amusing feel to games; but I see no reason why it
needs to be the line in the sand.  If all participants in the game are
mature and consenting, what's the problem if a game is more overt and
risqué; especially if its intent is well identified in the rules document.

> In short, I think the general guiding principle should be: if you think
> a major retailer like Barnes and Noble (or even Spencer Gifts) would
> have problems putting it on the shelf, it likely will be an "issue."

For posting stuff to piecepack group, I think that's definitely a
reasonable guideline... unless the country you live in doesn't have
B&N or Spencer Gifts from which you can make a comparison, like
myself.  However, B&N, I believe is a bookstore of sorts, right?  So
Chapters/Indigo is probably a good parallel up here.

> I do have faith in the moderators of the group to exercise their
> discretion.  Additionally, should there be a demand for "offensive"
> Piecepack games, somebody will certainly create a website for it, and
> that should solve the problem ("unofficial" rulesets).


> > My 2 cents on the matter.
> Mine's only worth 2/3rds that.

I'm Canadian, so don't forget to factor in exchange rate.  That come
out to about 0.5 cents US. :D


Leo "14thWarrior" M. Lalande