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Re: [piecepack] Piecepack anyone?

On Mar 7, 2006, at 7:16 AM, Mike Schoessow wrote:

The piecepack forum has also yielded some of the very best "non card-based" solitaire games in the world, many of them as a result of the soltaire game design contest. Some of my favorites are One Man: Thrag, Black Pawn Trucking, Piece Packing Pirates, Easy Slider, and one authored by my brother Steve and I called Cardinal's Guards.

I didn't comment on this before, but solitaires are a big plus for this system. Given the popularity of cards solitaries, this is one thing that could make the system popular. Imagine someone that likes those nice wooden puzzles of different kinds (most let you play a couple of variants at the most). Now they see a piecepack set with 34 completely different solitaries and 100 multiplayer games... They'd love it!!

As an aside, I've just tried your solitaire (I read the rules a few days ago, but didn't actually play it until now) and like it a lot. I managed to get 38 points as I was foolish enough to kill the two guards on one of the corners too early, making the black 5 impossible to reach... but it was fun, and it seems to leave a lot of options open even later into the game. Seems to be quite solvable (meaning the 4 pawns escape) if played well, which makes it fun and not frustrating...
