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Good Portsmanship games

This is a bit late, since I've been out of town, but I hope it's never too
late to offer congrats to the winners, and kudos to all who got it together
to enter a game. I didn't get to play all the entries in the course of
helping out the Port Authority, but I really enjoyed the ones I did play. I
particularly think Shopping Mall is clever, albeit a little too short to
really take advantage of its innovations.  I really like the Settlers of
Catan card game, so I was kind of skeptical about CoN, but it's really tight
and a nice game.  I think the game that surpised me most was PubsCrawl
(spelling probably wrong) - I *really* don't enjoy Senet, so again I was
kind of skeptical, but the clever modifications make it a really enjoyable
light game to play in social situations or with kids (that was my feedback
Ron cited in the wrap-up, about the possibility of removing or changing the
theme so it's more kid-friendly). Oh, and Clark, I didn't get to play TOE,
but we about fell on the floor laughing just reading your rules. :->

In any case, well done everyone!


Marty Hale-Evans        marty@...        Seattle WA, USA

Keywords: grammar, puppies, Discworld, fat-lib, Populuxe, origami,
games, science, fish&chips, elephants, etiquette, technoculture,
Colbert, MontyPython, beads, TexasHold'Em, TheWho, titanium spork