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Help requested with Piecepack Wiki cleanup effort

If the ToyVault piecepack is going to be as big a deal for the
piecepack community as I predict it is, both Piecepack.org and the
Piecepack Wiki are going to receive a sudden influx of new visitors
relatively soon.


I can't do anything about the way-out-of-date status of Piecepack.org,
but I do maintain the Piecepack Wiki, and I'd like to enlist your help
to clean it up.


As you may know, Ludism.org, the server for the Piecepack Wiki,
suffered a hardware failure in May 2009, and it took a few weeks to
restore the Piecepack Wiki and various other services. All of the
information from the wiki was preserved, but it's now running on
different wiki software called OddMuse (the old software was
MoinMoin). This means that there are various small glitches because of
differences in the software's markup language. In particular, there
are many broken links.


I would have to say that the other big problem is that the many custom
scripts written by Mark Biggar and friends, such as the ones that scan
the wiki and automatically list games by number of players and so on,
are also broken with the switch to the new software. It's possible to
write new scripts or rewrite the old ones (although I have neither the
time nor the expertise at the moment), but if no one can do that right
now, it would still be nice to clean up all the broken links and
broken tables left over from the scripts.

Even bearing in mind that I "run" it (inasmuch as anyone ever runs a
wiki, which is not much), I still think the Piecepack Wiki is the best
place to find information about the piecepack right now, considering
Piecepack.org hasn't been touched in many years -- the front page
still reads "Page content last modified on: 10/19/2004", although I do
think it's been updated a little since then.

If you agree, would you please help me clean it up? Don't be afraid.
Dig in. I have backups, if anyone gets into trouble. At least clean up
the pages about you and your own games! If everyone did that, we'd be
a long way toward making the wiki something to be proud of again when
all those new players suddenly get interested in our hobby.

Comments, anyone?



Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... ... http://ron.ludism.org/ ... (206) 201-1768
    Mind Performance Hacks book: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596101534/
 The proteiform graph itself is a polyhedron of scripture. (Finnegans
Wake 107:08)