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Comments on ToPieces

# 3 Comments. # Questions by RonHaleEvans on Facebook. Responses by Chris Sakkas in email. More to come on this comments page.

1. Why is your game called To Pieces?

It is a piecepack-based game in which warriors hack each other to pieces.

2. Why is one piece called a Summon?

The summon character is not placed at the beginning of the game. It is summoned during the game via the Summon action.

3. How many action tokens does a player need of each color?

Hypothetically, you will need eight of each colour; in practice you can get away with fewer. When I say "you" will need eight of each colour, I mean collectively. Each player will need four of each colour.

4. Is there a difference between a Push and a Shove?

Yes. A Shove is an action which in most cases leads to a Push (unless the target has a Defend token, in which case the Shove action leads to the Defend token being removed). A Push can be the result of a Shove, but can also be the outcome of strategies like Prod and Cascade.

5. Character charges, step 3: Does the player push all enemy characters? If not, which ones?

Step 3 is poorly worded. It should read:

If they end their movement orthogonally adjacent to one or more enemy characters, they may take one “free” Attack action or one “free” Shove action (active player's choice, but they must do one or the other if eligible). A “free” Attack or Shove action is exactly like a regular Attack or Shove action except the character does not take an Attack token.

(I.e. they can take the Shove action against one enemy character of the active player’s choice, which in most but not all cases will result in one enemy character being Pushed).

6. Step 4: What does it mean to Step Through?

A typo – it should be “Step Forward” (which is outlined in the Shove action).

7. Player boards: What does this notation mean? "LEADER * H 4 S 5"?

LEADER is the name of the character, of which there are three types. H is Health and S is Speed. This should have been spelled out – I’ll do so in the next version.

8. How do you calculate and track character Health?

Health is listed as “H” on the play boards. However, there is no need to track character Health. If Damage does not exceed the target’s Health, nothing happens – it is not subtracted from their Health or anything like that.

-- RonHaleEvans 2018-08-13 01:10 UTC

Chris, thank you for answering my questions. Here are some more.

9. "Woundless" Sun objective: What is a Wound?

10. What is the difference between Guard and Defend tokens?

11. "Ranged attacks" section: Where is the "specified number of squares" specified?

12. Player boards: What are the Character Pools for?

13. How do you claim a treasure?

14. Player board: What is an Anchor Tile?

15. Which is correct, the player boards, or the "Summon" section, which doesn't mention Anchor Tiles?

16. What is the scale of the board (e.g., one square = how many square meters)?

Thanks, Ron

-- RonHaleEvans 2018-08-13 01:24 UTC

Chris Sakkas writes,

Thanks Ron,

More good questions. Here are my answers.

9. "Woundless" Sun objective: What is a Wound?

An error left over from a previous version of the rules. The objective will be corrected, and should read:

If none of your characters is eliminated this Round, +1 VP.

10. What is the difference between Guard and Defend tokens?

An error. The reference to “Guard tokens” in the Materials section should be replaced with “Defend tokens”. I’ll correct this for the next version.

11. "Ranged attacks" section: Where is the "specified number of squares" specified?

In the strategy or other rule that makes the Ranged Attack available. In the case of the current set, this is only the Rusted Sun strategy called “Archers”. I’ll add a note clarifying this.

12. Player boards: What are the Character Pools for?

Characters that are yet to be deployed are kept in the character pool. In most cases, this will only be the summon – until Summoned. I’ve added a note clarifying this to the play boards.

13. How do you claim a treasure?

This should have been discussed in the rules. I’ve added the following paragraph to the “Scoring Phase” section:

A player “holds” a Treasure when one of their characters is on the corresponding Treasure marker. So far, Objectives require the Treasure to be held at the end of the Round, meaning that the character must be on the Treasure marker when the Round ends.

14. Player board: What is an Anchor Tile?

The game was inconsistent as to whether it describes the fourth piecepack suit as Arms or Anchors. The reference to “Anchors” has been replaced with “Arms”.

15. Which is correct, the player boards, or the "Summon" section, which doesn't mention Anchor Tiles?

The “Summon” section is in error. It should read:

You can only use the Summon action once per game. When you use the Summon action:

1. Select your summon character and place it on an empty space of your choice that is compatible with the Summon Rules identified on your play board.

2. Select one action out of Move, Attack, Shove and Defend.

3. They take that action.

Charge is not an action available to Summons during the turn that they are summoned (it is available in later turns).

16. What is the scale of the board (e.g., one square = how many square meters)?

There is no particular scale. Players that are playing with 28mm scale miniatures can assume that one square is about 2.5 metres by 2.5 metres. Players that are using conventional piecepack components can decide between themselves.



-- RonHaleEvans 2018-08-17 20:32 UTC

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