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  • 05:51 UTC (diff) Comments on TrevorLDavisPBW . . . . TrevorLDavis Ok, I've made the requested change to the Ultima diagram. I think I've played myself in a game of Ultima and I've read the rules for a lot of the . . .
  • 04:19 UTC (diff) Comments on TrevorLDavisPBW . . . . RonHaleEvans 1. Thanks. 2. OK, but I bet there are plenty of people who just want to play, not to GM. If they do want to GM, knowing how to create a board is not . . .
  • 04:17 UTC (diff) Comments on TrevorLDavisPBW . . . . RonHaleEvans 1. Thanks. 2. OK, but I bet there are plenty of people who just want to play, not to GM. If they do want to GM, knowing how to create a board is not . . .
  • 04:16 UTC (diff) Comments on TrevorLDavisPBW . . . . RonHaleEvans 1. Thanks. 2. OK, but I bet there are plenty of people who just want to play, not to GM. If they do want to GM, knowing how to create a board is not . . .
  • 04:14 UTC (diff) Comments on TrevorLDavisPBW . . . . RonHaleEvans 1. Thanks. 2. OK, but I bet there are plenty of people who just want to play, not to GM. If they do want to GM, knowing how to create a board is not . . .



  • 08:03 UTC (new) Comments on TrevorLDavisPBW . . . . RonHaleEvans Came looking for a game and found that we had already started one -- Ultima. But I'm a bit confused. You're playing White and I'm playing Black, but . . .

