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  • 21:54 UTC (diff) SixteenSegments . . . . RonHaleEvans Discussion on Facebook: TrevorLDavis: Not sure how to use such a mechanic in a game (other than keeping score) but you can use . . .
  • 21:47 UTC (diff) SixteenSegments . . . . RonHaleEvans Discussion on Facebook: TrevorLDavis: Not sure how to use such a mechanic in a game (other than keeping score) but you can use . . .
  • 21:46 UTC (diff) SixteenSegments . . . . RonHaleEvans Discussion on Facebook: TrevorLDavis: Not sure how to use such a mechanic in a game (other than keeping score) but you can use . . .
  • 20:35 UTC (diff) SixteenSegments . . . . RonHaleEvans Discussion on Facebook: TrevorLDavis: Not sure how to use such a mechanic in a game (other than keeping score) but you can use . . .
  • 20:25 UTC (diff) SixteenSegments . . . . RonHaleEvans Discussion on Facebook: TrevorLDavis: Not sure how to use such a mechanic in a game (other than keeping score) but you can use . . .
  • 20:19 UTC (new) SixteenSegments . . . . RonHaleEvans Discussion on Facebook: TrevorLDavis: Not sure how to use such a mechanic in a game (other than keeping score) but you can use . . .

