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This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of SorcerersChamber

                                 The Sorcerer's Chamber
by Tim Schutz
Rev. 2.0
2-4 players
60 minutes
Game requires: One complete piecepack and One piecepack pyramid set
        Welcome to the Sorcerer's Chamber. No this is not some cozy place to lounge about and talk
about the latest in energy orbs. It's a place to settle disputes or just to keep in practice for the day you
do need to settle that dispute. Not to worry no one has ever died in here, although I have heard some
that wished they were dead after being hit with the energy from an orb or had the confuse spell done one
too many times on them. Before we start the game take a little time to look at the chamber. It is a square
room with 8 walls. Four walls are around the perimeter of the chamber and four walls surround the room
in the middle of the chamber. The room in the middle is called the pervigil per nunc and its function is
to keep the time spell from being abused. There are no doors or windows, you can only enter by the
portals in the four corners. You can also use the portals to pop up in different parts of the room. "How
do you get out?" You ask "Well the best way is to be the winner the other way can hurt a little."
        Players move their sorcerers around the board and pick up energy orbs (coins). The orbs are used
to do the spells; zap, shield, deflect, confuse, heal, warp, and time. The object of the game is to use zap
on your opponents to cause damage and eventually eliminate them. The other spells are used to protect
yourself from being zapped, help you collect orbs to do spells, make it easier to hit someone with zap
and to heal yourself. The last sorcerer left in the chamber wins.
                                                   Set Up
Time To Build The Chamber
         You will need all of the tiles to build the chamber. The four ace tiles are placed suit side up in the
four corners (these are the portals). The remainder of the tiles are placed grid side up. The tiles should
be placed to create the board pictured below. The center of the board doesn't have a tile (this is the
pervigil per nunc). The suit tiles should be placed in the corner closest to the player that is playing as that


Make Your Sorcerer
        Select which suit is going to be yours and take the three smallest piecepack pyramids of that suit
and stack them on top of each other so the smallest one is on top and the largest one is on the bottom.
The suit markings should all be facing the same direction, this is the front of your sorcerer. Every time
your sorcerer gets hit with zap you lose one pyramid from the top. So if you are down to your last pyramid
and get hit you are out of the game. To start the game place your sorcerer on the game board so he is
on the tile (portal) of the same suit and facing diagonally towards the empty space (the pervigil per nunc)
in the center of the board.

Distribute The Energy Orbs
         Take all of the coins and place them suit side down on the table (all of the coins are used in a 2,3
or 4 player game). Mix up the coins being careful not to reveal the suit. Place the coins on the game board
(suit side down) randomly till you have the pattern below. The coins are energy orbs and are used to
perform the spells. Once all of the coins are on the game board then flip them over to reveal their suit.
The coin values are not used in this game.

                       Energy Orb

                                                                            The Blue Sorcerers ready to play

Determine Who Goes First
        Everyone pick up your die and roll it. The player who rolls the highest number goes first. The
ranking of the die is Ace,5,4,3,2 and then null. If there is a tie then all the players that tied roll again until
a winner is determined. After a starting player is determined place three of the dice (it doesn't matter
which three) onto the empty space in the middle of the board (the pervigil per nunc), these dice will be
used in the function of the pervigil per nunc which I will get to later. The starting player holds onto the
last die, this die will be used as the Sorcerer's Stone and is passed from player to player to mark the end
of one player's turn and the beginning of the next player's turn.

                                      How To Move And Use Spells
        You get two moves per turn and there are two types of moves a sorcerer can make, you can
move one space or rotate. The available moves can be made in any combination. Two examples are;
you can rotate and then move one space or you can move one space and move one space again. A
better description of the two possible moves with diagrams follow.

       Move: Your sorcerer is directional and can only move one space either forward, forward left or
forward right. A sorcerer can not move onto a space occupied by another sorcerer.


        Rotate: Since your sorcerer is directional you will have to rotate him to able to move other directions
on the board. You can rotate your sorcerer to face one of 8 directions. Four of them being diagonally and
four being orthogonally (vertical and horizontal).

                                                    The Spells
        The coins are the energy orbs and are used to perform spells. Although all of the orbs have the
same powers the suit can effect how the orb is used. (There is extra bonus for using one in your own suit.
Read on.) You pick up an orb by landing on the space it occupies. Any time you use an orb it is returned
to the play field (I'll get to that next). Spells can only be done during your turn (with the exception of
deflect), but can be done before, after or in-between moving your sorcerer. You can do as many spells
as you want on your turn provided you have enough energy orbs to do so and you don't break any other
rules. There are seven spells.
        Hint: it's a good idea to keep the suits on your orbs concealed from the other players. You can
do this by holding them in a cupped hand when looking at them and hiding them behind or under something
when they are sitting on the table.

       Zap: Zap another sorcerer with the energy from an orb. You can only zap another sorcerer that
your sorcerer is facing. So, if a sorcerer is behind you will have to rotate to face him before you can zap
him. Zap can travel an unlimited amount of spaces in a straight line, but cannot pass through a wall which
means it cannot travel over the empty space in the middle of the board (the pervigil per nunc) or off the
board and back on the other side and cannot travel over other sorcerers. It can pass over orbs.
         How it works: To zap select an orb (coin) and place it suit side down on the table and place your
finger on the top to conceal the number value (the number value can help a good sorcerer figure out the
suit). State which sorcerer you are going to zap, that sorcerer now has a chance to use deflect. If the
other sorcerer uses deflect and/or has a shield spell on himself follow the rules for those spells, if not
remove the top pyramid from that sorcerer.
       Zap is a very powerful spell and can even kill a sorcerer if he is hit too many times without a
recovery period. So, once a sorcerer has been zapped (actually loses a pyramid) he can't be zapped
again until he has had a turn. You can try to zap a sorcerer again if your zap was blocked by Shield or
Deflect If you sucessfully zap a sorcerer that has only one pyramid left he is out of the game.


        Shield: Place a shield around yourself to help guard from zap. A shield can protect against one
hit from zap, but sometimes a shield will fail and zap will get through.
         How it works. To use shield place an orb, suit side down on the table near the game board and
then place your pawn (the pawn that matches your suit) on top of the orb. If a player uses zap against
you, you both reveal your orbs at the same time, if the suits don't match your shield blocked the zap from
hitting you and you don't lose a pyramid, however you do lose your shield and the orb is placed back on
the board. If the orbs do match your shield has failed and you lose both your shield and a pyramid and
the orb is placed back on the board.
       Once you play an orb for shield you cannot take the orb back and use it for a different spell or
replace it with a different orb. You are allowed to pick it up and look at it again if you forgot what suit it
        Deflect: Deflect a zap back to the sorcerer who tried to zap you.
        How it works. To do deflect select an orb and place it suit side down on the table with your finger
on the top. Both players reveal their orbs at the same time, if the suits don't match deflect failed and the
zap continues to come at you. Hopefully you played shield on your turn and that will stop the zap. If the
suits do match deflect worked and the zap is now heading back to the sorcerer who tried to zap you. If
you are the sorcerer who played zap hopefully you had a shield in place before you tried zap, if you did
go follow the rules for shield if not ouch.
        Deflect can only be played when it is not your turn and no you cannot try and deflect a zap you

       Confuse: Causes a opponent to become dizzy, stumble and lose his bearings for a second. Can
even cause a sorcerer to move into the line of fire of a zap spell.
        How it works. The orb must be the same suit of the sorcerer you are going to confuse. Select an
orb and place on the table suit side up and then move your opponent's sorcerer one space in any direction
and/or spin him to face any direction you choose. If you place him on a space that has an orb he will gets
that orb. You can zap a sorcerer before or after you confuse him.
         Confuse is a powerful spell and if used too many times can cause a sorcerer to stagger and look
like a drunken fool for years, so if a sorcerer has had confuse used on him it can't be done again until
after he has had a turn (this gives him a little recovery time).
        Heal: Recover one pyramid for your sorcerer. Heal takes a little more power to do and the unwilling
help of other sorcerer's to perform.
        How it works. It costs two orbs to heal. Hand the player to your right either and orb that matches
your suit or an orb that matches his suit. You must also do the same for the player to your left. The players
that received the orbs then may place them down on the board anywhere they desire (probably on a
space to their advantage). You then place a pyramid you lost back on your sorcerer. If there are only two
players your opponent gets both orbs to place down.

        Warp: Warp to a portal from anywhere on the board.
        How it works. To warp choose an orb of the same suit of the portal you want to warp to and place
it on the table suit side up. State you are going to warp and then pick up your sorcerer and place him on
that portal. Your sorcerer must still be facing the same direction he was before he warped. You can not
warp to a portal if it is already occupied by another sorcerer.

         Time: This spell slows down time and is done by using an orb to make another move. There is a
limit to how many times you can use this spell and it is explained in the pervigil per nunc section.
         How it works. Place an orb on the table face up and state you are going to do time, take a die
from the pervigil per nunc and then move your sorcerer again.

Same Suit Energy Orb Bonus
        When you pickup an orb that matches the suit of your sorcerer you get an extra bonus, you can
use it twice before you discard it, but you have to do the two actions consecutively and there are some
You cannot:
        use another energy orb in between using it twice.
        use for shield or deflect if you are going to use it twice.

        You can use it twice in any fashion that does not break the rules started above.

The Pervigil Per Nunc
        The empty space in the middle of the board is called the pervigil per nunc. Its function is to make
sure that the time spell is not abused. The time spell allows you to move again while time for the other
players slows down, which makes the time spell a very powerful spell. It is widely believed that if you
mess with time for to long it will seize to exist or at the very least create a large rip in the time continual
and this is the true reason the pervigil per nunc was created. Inside the pervigil per nunc there are three
time stones (the three dice). Every time you use an orb to do the time spell you take a time stone. Once
the time stones are gone from the pervigil per nunc you cannot do the time spell again until another
sorcerer has had a turn. Once you have completed your turn the time stones return to the pervigil per
nunc for the next player.
Note: Important loophole. If you use one of you own orbs to do two consecutive time spells you only take one time stone from
the pervigil per nunc .

Returning The Energy Orbs To The Board
        After a sorcerer releases the energy from an orb to perform a spell the orb is returned to the board
so it can collect new energy from the earth.
       How it works: After you perform the spell with the orb you immediately place it on an unoccupied
space suit side up. When you place an orb on the board there a several rules that must be followed. They
         1) You cannot place an orb on any of the four portals
         2) You cannot place an orb on a space next to your own sorcerer.
         3) You always place down your own used orbs. (Exception the heal spell.)
       4) You may place an orb on any unoccupied space on the board that does not break the rules
stated above.
Note: When using the shield spell the orb is not returned to the board until after it has been hit with zap.
If you use an orb that matches your suit twice it is not returned until after the second use.

The Sorcerer's Stone
       The sorcerer's stone (the fourth die) is passed from player to player to signify the beginning and
the end of a player's turn or turns. Once you receive the stone you can start your turn, after you have
moved and used whatever spells you wanted you pass the stone to the next player.
         Note: It doesn't matter which dice are used for the time stones or which die is the sorcerer's stone and if they get mixed
up during the game no biggie as long as three dice are in the pervigil per nunc and one die is passed to the next player. Don't
be anal.

The Portals
        The four corner spaces with the aces printed on them are the portals. Moving a sorcerer on or
off a portal can be a little confusing. The diagrams below show you the five diagonal and four orthogonal
movements that are possible for moving on or off a portal.

Note: The portal is a great place to be positioned for using zap because you have a wider sweep of spaces
available, but this is a double edged sword so be careful.

When A Sorcerer Loses
        When a sorcerer is down to his last pyramid and he gets hit, he is out of the game. His last pyramid
is removed from the game and any orbs that he still has in his possession are distributed to the portals.
Starting with his own portal and going clockwise the orbs are placed on the portals one at a time. Any
sorcerer that happens to be on a portal at that time gets the orb or orbs that would have been placed
on that portal.

Game Over
     When there is only one sorcerer left on the board the game is over and that sorcerer is the winner.

Copyright © 2002 by Tim Schutz and tjgames.com Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy
of the license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html.
   Sorcerer 's Cheat Notes                           Sorcerer 's Cheat Notes                           Sorcerer 's Cheat Notes                           Sorcerer 's Cheat Notes
              Moves                                             Moves                                             Moves                                             Moves
    There are 2 types of moves                        There are 2 types of moves                        There are 2 types of moves                        There are 2 types of moves
  and you can make two moves per turn.              and you can make two moves per turn.              and you can make two moves per turn.              and you can make two moves per turn.
1) Move your sorcerer 1 space.                    1) Move your sorcerer 1 space.                    1) Move your sorcerer 1 space.                    1) Move your sorcerer 1 space.
2) Rotate your sorcerer to face any               2) Rotate your sorcerer to face any               2) Rotate your sorcerer to face any               2) Rotate your sorcerer to face any
of the 8 directions.                              of the 8 directions.                              of the 8 directions.                              of the 8 directions.
                Spells                                            Spells                                            Spells                                            Spells
           There are 7 spells                                There are 7 spells                                There are 7 spells                                There are 7 spells
1) Zap. Throw the energy from an                  1) Zap. Throw the energy from an                  1) Zap. Throw the energy from an                  1) Zap. Throw the energy from an
orb at a sorcerer. Place orb suit side            orb at a sorcerer. Place orb suit side            orb at a sorcerer. Place orb suit side            orb at a sorcerer. Place orb suit side
down and conceal before showing suit.             down and conceal before showing suit.             down and conceal before showing suit.             down and conceal before showing suit.
2) Shield. Helps to protect you from              2) Shield. Helps to protect you from              2) Shield. Helps to protect you from              2) Shield. Helps to protect you from
zap. Place orb suit side down under your          zap. Place orb suit side down under your          zap. Place orb suit side down under your          zap. Place orb suit side down under your
colored pawn. If zap is the same suit the         colored pawn. If zap is the same suit the         colored pawn. If zap is the same suit the         colored pawn. If zap is the same suit the
shield failed.                                    shield failed.                                    shield failed.                                    shield failed.
        Suits Match =Shield Failed                        Suits Match =Shield Failed                        Suits Match =Shield Failed                        Suits Match =Shield Failed
3) Deflect. Send zap back to your                 3) Deflect. Send zap back to your                 3) Deflect. Send zap back to your                 3) Deflect. Send zap back to your
opponent. Place orb suit side down and            opponent. Place orb suit side down and            opponent. Place orb suit side down and            opponent. Place orb suit side down and
conceal before showing. If zap is the same        conceal before showing. If zap is the same        conceal before showing. If zap is the same        conceal before showing. If zap is the same
suit deflect worked.                              suit deflect worked.                              suit deflect worked.                              suit deflect worked.
       Suits Match =Deflect Worked                       Suits Match =Deflect Worked                       Suits Match =Deflect Worked                       Suits Match =Deflect Worked
4) Confuse.Causes a sorcerer to                   4) Confuse.Causes a sorcerer to                   4) Confuse.Causes a sorcerer to                   4) Confuse.Causes a sorcerer to
become dizzy and stumble. Place orb               become dizzy and stumble. Place orb               become dizzy and stumble. Place orb               become dizzy and stumble. Place orb
that matches the suit of that sorcerer suit       that matches the suit of that sorcerer suit       that matches the suit of that sorcerer suit       that matches the suit of that sorcerer suit
side up. Move the sorcerer one space in any       side up. Move the sorcerer one space in any       side up. Move the sorcerer one space in any       side up. Move the sorcerer one space in any
direction and/or rotate him.                      direction and/or rotate him.                      direction and/or rotate him.                      direction and/or rotate him.
5) Heal. Recover one pyramid you                  5) Heal. Recover one pyramid you                  5) Heal. Recover one pyramid you                  5) Heal. Recover one pyramid you
lost. Hand your opponent to your left and         lost. Hand your opponent to your left and         lost. Hand your opponent to your left and         lost. Hand your opponent to your left and
to your right either an orb that matches your     to your right either an orb that matches your     to your right either an orb that matches your     to your right either an orb that matches your
suit or their suit. Your opponents get to place   suit or their suit. Your opponents get to place   suit or their suit. Your opponents get to place   suit or their suit. Your opponents get to place
the orbs back on the board. Place a pyramid       the orbs back on the board. Place a pyramid       the orbs back on the board. Place a pyramid       the orbs back on the board. Place a pyramid
that you lost back on your sorcerer.              that you lost back on your sorcerer.              that you lost back on your sorcerer.              that you lost back on your sorcerer.
6) Warp. Pop up in one of the 4                   6) Warp. Pop up in one of the 4                   6) Warp. Pop up in one of the 4                   6) Warp. Pop up in one of the 4
portals. Place orb with matching suit of the      portals. Place orb with matching suit of the      portals. Place orb with matching suit of the      portals. Place orb with matching suit of the
portal you wish to warp to suit side up.          portal you wish to warp to suit side up.          portal you wish to warp to suit side up.          portal you wish to warp to suit side up.
7) Time. Make another move. Place                 7) Time. Make another move. Place                 7) Time. Make another move. Place                 7) Time. Make another move. Place
orb suit side up and move again. Every time       orb suit side up and move again. Every time       orb suit side up and move again. Every time       orb suit side up and move again. Every time
you use an orb for this spell take a die from     you use an orb for this spell take a die from     you use an orb for this spell take a die from     you use an orb for this spell take a die from
the Pervigil Per Nunc. If there are no die left   the Pervigil Per Nunc. If there are no die left   the Pervigil Per Nunc. If there are no die left   the Pervigil Per Nunc. If there are no die left
you can't use this spell.                         you can't use this spell.                         you can't use this spell.                         you can't use this spell.
                    You can cut out the Sorcerer's Notes and keep them in front of you for a reference.