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KidSprout Jumboree ("Time Marches On" entry)

Oh, what the heck.  I haven't had more than a dozen emails from Yahoo!
Groups all day, my last message took six hours to reach me, and I'm
probably just contributing to the server logjam, but I'll quit
skulking and post our contest entry anyway.  Here's the URL for the
latest HTML version:


There's also a PDF version available for those who want one (Dave and
Karol, this means you :-).


The back story and game play summary follow.  Comments are most

Anyone else care to post rules?

Ron H-E


                             KIDSPROUT JUMBOREE

                      a game of responsibility-shirking
                              for the piecepack

by Ron Hale-Evans (rwhe@...)
and Marty Hale-Evans (marty@...)

[version 0.2, 2002-03-15]

3-4 players
Approx. 30-45 minutes

Requires: single piecepack, pen or pencil, and paper. A calculator might
help too.

<license notice snipped>

The Story

So your kid joined the KidSprouts, and somehow you got talked into becoming
a SproutMeister. Now you're the "leader" (yeah, right) of a rambunctious
mixed-gender troop of Sprouts, ranging in age from 10 to 15. Sure, the
little kids can be a handful, but the older kids tend to get into big
trouble with Sex and Drugs and Rock & Roll, none of which is usually
associated with the squeaky-clean KidSprouts of America -- and that's the
way National likes it.

But now the Blue Arrowhead, Royal Fir, Sun Beam, and Night Owl Troops of the
local KidSprout Council are heading to the annual Jumboree. The very thought
of it gives you an instant migraine. You're not going to have any fun.
You're not going to have any peace and quiet. It will be all you can do to
keep your own Sprouts under control -- unless you can foist your duties off
on the other SproutMeisters. Say, that's a pretty good idea...

Unfortunately, all the other SproutMeisters have the _same_ idea.


The object of the game is to score the fewest Stress Points. To do so,
players must avoid leading Activities at the Jumboree, and foist their own
KidSprouts (coins) off to Activities led by other SproutMeisters. A die is
rolled to determine what Activity is next and how long it will take in
hours, then players play their KidSprouts to the center of the table with
ages (coin values) hidden. Ages are revealed simultaneously, and the
SproutMeister who plays the oldest KidSprout must lead the Activity and take
Stress Points equal to the total value of the coins played, multiplied by
the hours the Activity takes. SproutMeisters may effectively modify the age
of any KidSprout by playing one or two Excuses (Ace or 2 of their tile suit)
on Sprouts after ages are revealed, thereby affecting who leads the
Activity. If any Activity you lead runs past dinnertime, you must take
double Stress Points for that Activity.

         Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... & rwhe@...
           Center for Ludic Synergy, Seattle Cosmic Game Night, 
Kennexions Glass Bead Game &  Positive Revolution FAQ: http://www.ludism.org/
Home page & Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List: http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/