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Re: New Win Condition for Pawnop.

Hi, EW

Assuming that trading is going to be introduced as a new part of 
the game, if you introduced this new win condition, why would 
anyone trade?  There has to be some incentive to trade that 
makes it worth while

With the rules as they are, changing to this win condition would 
just add to the play time and not change the game experience.


> I talked about how I have been working on Pawnop and what 
> seemed good, but didn't keep the overall feeling of Pawnop.
> I noted that trading and payments need to be ironed out, and 
> need to be given when a player maxes out on his "rent" total 
> 12). 
> I then came upon this Idea.. what do others thing of it?
> The first player to own 4 tiles of his pawns color/suit wins the 
> game.