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Re: [piecepack] Re: The Colonists of Natick

On 3/28/07, gozer2048 <gap@...> wrote:
> Gary Pressler's acceptance speech for winning the contest is wending
> its way through list moderation. :-) Meanwhile, he's given permission
> for me the contest version of his winning entry, The Colonists of
> Natick, with one minor change. I'll do that by tonight.

The oh-so-eloquent speech is lost.  No, it was never in moderation,
apperently because I had not actually subscribed to the group yet!
Oddly, it let me write out and seemingly post a reply, only to let it
vanish into the ether.

Hi, Gary! Wow, that's astonishingly bad user interface design.

I would, though, very much like to thank Ron and Meredith for all
their time and work running the contest.  Thanks also to all the
playtesters, both on my end and Ron's for trying it out and giving
feedback.  (That includes you, Mom!)  Also, my gratitude to the prize
sponsors, of whose wares I will enjoy tinkering out more designs.

You're welcome. Your game is a pleasure to play.

I must say, when I saw the list of entries and being new to piecepack,
I figured my chances were slim.  I really look forward to reading the
rules and trying out some of other entries to see how others
approached it.  (Merchant of Venus... via piecepack... color me
intrigued.)  I certainly enjoyed figuring out mine.

Yes, and I beg patience from the other authors while I return
feedback. I am busy and sick right now, a bad combination.

Gary, I hope you can hold off another couple of days for your 1.0
release of Colonists until I can get your feedback to you. I don't
have any terribly stringent criticism, just stuff like everyone I
played with confusing "villages" with "towns" -- would "villages" and
"cities", or "towns" and "cities" be better? That kind of thing.

Welcome to piecepackia! (Piecepackistan?)


   Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... ... http://ron.ludism.org/
Mind Performance Hacks book: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/mindperfhks/
	   Center for Ludic Synergy: http://www.ludism.org/
(revilous life proving aye the death of ronaldses when winpower wine has
		   bucked the kick on poor won man)