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How many people submitted games to the ToyVault contest?

Marty and I submitted one game, called "Relativity".

Did anyone else on the list submit anything? Telling us the title is
optional. :)

I helped another friend playtest a game for the contest, but he didn't
think it was ready, so he didn't submit it -- which I think is
honorable and admirable. I do hope plenty of games were submitted,
though, because there will be up to 11 winners. I've seen
non-commercial piecepack contests where there weren't even that many

I'm looking forward to seeing the ToyVault set, whether our game is
accepted or not. The fact that every winner gets a dozen piecepacks as
a prize suggests that ToyVault is trying to make them as inexpensive
as decks of cards. I've been speculating that the pieces will be
die-cut, punch-out affairs like what you find in Eurogames. That would
be nice.


Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... ... http://ron.ludism.org/ ... (206) 201-1768
    Mind Performance Hacks book: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596101534/
 The proteiform graph itself is a polyhedron of scripture. (Finnegans
Wake 107:08)