
This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of Clear

Clear! A game for 1 piecepack per player by David Hassell ( Version
1.0.0, July 4, 2003 Copyright: developed by David Hassell, but permission granted to
freely distribute anduse as one sees fit 2+ players, approx. 5 minutes per round
Object: Score the most points after a predetermined number of rounds (7 rounds
makesan excellent game). Object of each round is to be one of the first players to
clear yourcard.
Introduction This game is very similar to Bingo in the sense that each player
possesses a “card,” whichone marks based on a random element. In this case, you are
attempting to remove coinsbased on the roll of 4 dice. Note that use of terms his and
him in these instructions is intended to be gender neutral. Equipment Each player
• 6 piecepack tiles (doesn’t matter which ones)
• 4 piecepack dice
• 24 coins from one piecepack (all 4 suits, null/2-5/ace each suit)
• opaque bag, cup, or other means of mixing 24 piecepack coins for randomdrawing One
player is designated the scorekeeper. That person needs:
• notepad and pencil, or some other scorekeeping mechanism
• an additional piecepack tile
• 3 pawns  Setup Each player arranges his 6 piecepack tiles face-down in a 3 across
by 2 downarrangement. This will create a board consisting of 24 smaller squares in a
6 across by 4down grid. From this point forward, this will be referred to as a card
in these rules.

 Each player places his 4 piecepack dice near his card. From this point forward,
 these willsimply be referred to as dice. The scorekeeper places a separate tile
 face-down nearby. This is called the Scratch Tile.Place three pawn next to, but not
 on, this tile. This will be used by the scorekeeper tokeep track of the number of
 consecutive scratch rounds (explained later). Thescorekeeper also places the
 scorepad nearby. At the beginning of each round of play, each player places his 24
 piecepack coins into anopaque bag or container and mixes them. Blindly draw the
 coins one at a time and placethem rank-side up on the card. This should be done
 left-to-right, top-to-bottom. Whencomplete, the player’s card will have all 24 coins
 placed 6 across and 4 down. Designate by any agreeable means a player to roll first.
 This player will roll in the firstround. The roller in the next round will pass to
 the next person to the left, clockwise, orother mutually agreed upon rotation.
 Finally, determine the number of rounds that will be played to qualify as a
 completegame. Suggested number of rounds: 7.  Definitions Line of x: x number of
 consecutive coins in a row, column, or diagonal. Empty squares donot obstruct a line
 of coins. For example, if two coins are separated by 3 empty squares;those coins are
 still considered a Line of 2, just as long as they are along the samecolumn, row, or
 diagonal. The only lines in this game are Line of 2, Line of 3 and Line of4. Four: A
 player calls this if removing a Line of 4. Scratch: A player calls this if unable to
 remove a Line. Clear: A player calls this if his card no longer contains a Line of
 3. Scratch Round: If all players call Scratch, the round is announced by the
 scorekeeper as aScratch Round. Scratch Tile: Tile used by the scorekeeper to track
 number of consecutive ScratchRounds. Scratch-Off: After 3 consecutive Scratch
 Rounds, the scorekeeper announces a Scratch-Off.

How to Play At the beginning of each round, each player sets up his card according to
the instructionsabove in Setup. Also, determine the current round’s roller as
described in Setup. The roller rolls his 4 dice and announces the result to all
players. Each player may rotatehis own dice to match the roll as a reference, or
simply reference the roller’s dice if thedice can be placed within view of all
players. Each player then examines his card and tries to find a Line of 3 or Line of
4 to remove. ALine of 4 consists of 4 consecutive coins in a row, column, or diagonal
matching all 4dice. The order of the coins in relation to the dice rolled does not
have to match, but it isimperative that each coin corresponds to a different die. For
example, if the roll is ace/2/2/5; a player may remove a Line of 4
containing2/ace/5/2, 2/2/ace/5, 5/2/ace/2, or any similar combination. Examples of
invalidcombinations include 2/ace/ace/5 (only one ace was rolled) and null/2/ace/5 (a
null wasnot rolled). If a player is able to remove a Line of 4, that player removes
the four coins from the cardand announces Four! The scorekeeper gives 2 points to
each player calling Four. If unable to remove a Line of 4, the player may attempt to
remove a Line of 3. These are3 consecutive coins in a row, column, or diagonal
matching any 3 of the 4 dice rolled.Again, the order of the coins is not important.
The important thing is that each coincorresponds of a different die. For example, if
the roll is ace/2/2/5; a player may remove a Line of 3 containing 2/ace/5,ace/2/2,
5/2/2, 2/5/ace, or any similar combination. If a player is unable to remove a Line of
3 or a Line of 4, the player calls Scratch!  If a player’s card contains several
Lines of 4 and/or Lines of 3 matching the roll, theplayer may only select one Line to
remove. Of course, the player should select a Line of4 over a Line of 3 to score the
2 points. Once a player begins removing coins orannounces Scratch, the player is
committed to that choice. There is no time limit imposedon the players, but players
should not spend too much time considering their move. After removing any Line of 3
or Line of 4, a player announces Clear! if the player’s cardno longer contains at
least 3 coins in a row, column, or diagonal anywhere on the card.After one or more
players announce Clear, proceed to scoring. Important reminder: coins separated by
one or more empty spaces are still consideredconsecutive as long as they are on the
same row, column, or diagonal.

Scratch Rounds and Scratch-Off If all players announce Scratch, the scorekeeper
places a pawn on the Scratch Tile tomark the Scratch Round. If there are 3 pawns on
the tile after placing the pawn, thescorekeeper announces a Scratch-Off round.
Otherwise, play continues. All pawns are removed from the Scratch Tile if, during a
subsequent round, at least oneplayer is able to remove a Line of 3 or Line of 4. The
purpose of the Scratch Tile is todetermine when 3 consecutive Scratch Rounds occur.
Once any player is able to removecoins, the number of consecutive rounds is reset to
zero. If the scorekeeper announces a Scratch-Off round, the scorekeeper removes all
pawnsfrom the Scratch Tile. The person who last rolled then rolls 2 dice and
announces theresult to all players. Only those 2 dice are considered. Each player
then searches for aLine of 2 to remove. A player may still announce Clear if his card
no longer contains aLine of 3 anywhere on the card after removing the Line of 2. If
all players still announce Scratch, or anyone declares Clear; proceed to scoring. If
at least one player can remove a Line of 2 and nobody declares Clear, play continues
asnormal with the next roller rolling 4 dice. Another 3 consecutive Scratch Rounds
have tooccur before having another Scratch-Off.
Scoring Once one or more players declare Clear (Score Condition A), or the Scratch-
Off stillresults in nobody able to remove coins (Score Condition B), the scorekeeper
takes scores.After taking down the scores, the scorekeeper announces the number of
rounds that havebeen played and each player’s score, unless players choose to waive
this announcement.Of course, the scorekeeper should make an announcement when the
agreed number ofrounds has occurred in order to declare a winner. If there are more
rounds to play, all players set up a new card, and the next roundcommences. Score
Condition A Each player declaring Clear scores 10 points minus the number of coins
still remainingon that player’s card. For example, if a player announces Clear with 3
coins remaining,that player scores 10 – 3 = 7 points. If only one player is able to
announce Clear, that player scores bonus points: 1 point foreach coin on any other
card of that player’s choice. Of course, that player should selectthe card containing
the most coins. These points are in addition to the points scored asdescribed above.

 Example: Mark is the only player to announce Clear in a 4 player game. Mark has 5
 coinson his card, Mary has 6, Jack has 6 and Frank has 10. Mark scores 5 points for
 his card(10 – 5 = 5), and selects Frank’s card to score his bonus of 10 points.
 Therefore, Markhas scored 15 points for the round, not including any points scored
 for removing Lines of4 during play. Score Condition B This condition occurs if
 nobody is able to clear their card, and the Scratch-Off stillproduces a Scratch for
 all players. In this case, each player with less than 10 coins remaining on his card
 scores 10 pointsminus the number of coins remaining on his card. It is entirely
 possible for nobody toscore during the round (This occurs when all players still
 have 10+ coins on theirrespective cards.).  Version History 1.0.0 (07/04/2003):
 First draft submitted to