Comments on Burbuja

# 13 Comments. # Hurray! Do we know which Competition "Episodes" Burbuja will likely be entered in?

-- TrevorLDavis 2020-12-15 21:53 UTC

I think it would be a bit more clearer in the rules to rephrase "After this action, the used pawn and coin will both be discarded" to something like "After this action, discard both the chosen coin and the corresponding pawn of its suit".

-- TrevorLDavis 2020-12-15 22:04 UTC

Forgot to say. Burbuja goes in Episode 3, and Antonio is sending another game called Tapas for Episode 1.

-- RonHaleEvans 2020-12-15 23:29 UTC

I must have forgotten (or been too ashamed) to send Ron all corrected versions of the rules (I am already at version 4). No rule changes, all rephrasing. I will send them to him now... is everything clear otherwise?

-- Ottia 2020-12-18 16:19 UTC

I wish there were a diagram of what the 7x7 bubble looks like. I counted it out in my head, and it was as I expected, but it would be nice for players not to have to do that.

-- RonHaleEvans 2020-12-18 16:54 UTC

Come to think of it, an image of the initial setup would be nice too, even though it's a standard-shaped board.

-- RonHaleEvans 2020-12-18 16:55 UTC

Unfortunately I don't have the expertise to make these diagrams quickly...

In true troglodyte style I will use[T] for "tile" and [.] for "gap":















-- Ottia 2020-12-18 17:14 UTC

OK, the diagrams look good. (I'm not a judge for this competition, but I wouldn't hold plain text diagrams against you.) What I meant was that you should put these diagrams in the rules. :) Also, please put your illustrations in a monospace font, so the "spaces" are the same width as the "tiles".

-- RonHaleEvans 2020-12-18 17:43 UTC

In my infant-at-home-sleep-deprived state I couldn't even visualize the 7x7 end state in my head and manually drew a picture to verify that it was possible (it of course is possible :-).

If you wish feel free to use the 5x5 starting diagram in the IceFloe article as well as this 7x7 diagram I quickly cooked up with piecepackr

df <- ppgames::df_tula(seed=42)
df$x <- c(rep(seq(1, by=2, length.out=7), 2), rep(c(1, 13), each=5))
df$y <- c(rep(c(1, 13), each=7), rep(seq(3, by=2, length.out=5), 2))
df$piece_side <- "tile_face"
envir <- game_systems("dejavu")
png("burbuja_end.png", width=14.5, height=14.5, units="in", res=72)
pmap_piece(df, default.units="in", envir=envir, trans=op_transform, op_scale=0.5)

Or if you prefer plaintext diagrams let me know :-)

│♛  │⸸  │♛  │⸸  │☀  │♛  │☾  │
│ 3 │ a │ a │ 4 │ 2 │ 5 │ 3 │
│   │   │   │   │   │   │   │
│☾  │                   │☀  │
│ 5 │                   │ 3 │
│   │                   │   │
├───┤                   ├───┤
│♛  │                   │♛  │
│ n │                   │ 2 │
│   │                   │   │
├───┤                   ├───┤
│♛  │                   │⸸  │
│ 4 │                   │ 2 │
│   │                   │   │
├───┤                   ├───┤
│☾  │                   │⸸  │
│ n │                   │ 3 │
│   │                   │   │
├───┤                   ├───┤
│☀  │                   │☾  │
│ 5 │                   │ a │
│   │                   │   │
│☀  │☀  │☀  │☾  │⸸  │☾  │⸸  │
│ 4 │ a │ n │ 2 │ n │ 4 │ 5 │
│   │   │   │   │   │   │   │

> is everything clear otherwise?

That sentence was the only one I needed to read a couple times to understand what you meant. You may also want (if you haven't already) replace the earlier reference to a "used coin" with "chosen coin" but that was less confusing than "used pawn" when such a pawn hadn't actually been mentioned previously.

-- TrevorLDavis 2020-12-18 19:07 UTC

Thank you so much, Trevor! I have sent Ron a new version of the rules including your diagrams.

-- Ottia 2020-12-19 00:06 UTC

Rules questions:

> Throughout the whole game, every single tile must touch at least one other tile side by side. After the move, the used coin will be discarded.

1) I assume the tile you are moving can be in your hand (not touching any other tiles while moving)

2) I assume before and after the move every single tile must touch another tile side by side

3) Can a not-in-hand tile not touch another tile side by side while the in-hand tile is moving if it will touch another tile after the move (and was touching another before the move)?

4) Technically the tiles could be in two or more separated contiguous groupings and every tile could be still touching at least one other tile. Is this allowed or do all the tiles need to be in one big contiguous grouping after every move?

-- TrevorLDavis 2023-07-26 09:22 UTC

Thanks for the questions, Trevor!

Bullet points 1) to 3): I need to rephrase those rules, it should indeed be "before and after every move" (I don't know why I did not consider this when writing the rules).

Bullet point 4): There can be stray groups of connected tiles during the game. How wise this is is a different question, though, since these groups will have to be reconnected to the main one by the end of the game. It might be useful in some cases, but I have the feeling than more often than not this will end up costing too many precious moves (I suppose I must have had it as well when I tested the game... already a while ago).

-- Ottia 2023-07-29 07:29 UTC

Ottia, thanks for the clarifications!

-- TrevorLDavis 2023-07-29 14:42 UTC

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