Piecepack Companion Deck
The Piecepack Companion Deck is a deck consisting of 52 cards split into the four piecepack suits. (Suns, Moons, Crowns, Arms)
Each suit contains 13 cards: six cards numbered Null – A – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5, six face or court cards marked D - J - L - C - Q - K, and one Fool for each suit.
Court cards.
I don’t know that I love the roman numeral for distinction. The typical K – Q – J markings wouldn’t work because the cards do not fall into those classifications. I thought of skipping 6 and going with 7-10 but that may be confusing, so I’m sticking with roman numerals. For now.
Each suit has its own theme for the court cards.
The suns are based around commerce/town life
The moons are nightlife
The arms are military
The crowns are royalty
The courts are known as the following:
Suns - D) Dressmaker; J) Poet; L) Missionary; C) Courier; Q) Madam; K) Merchant
Moons - D) Tavern wench; J) Thief; L) ???; C) Ranger; Q) Huntress; K) Scholar
Arms - D) Flag bearer; J) Soldier; L) Nurse; C) Lancer; Q) Maiden [i.e., Joan of Arc]; K) General
Crowns - D) Princess; J) Prince; L) Lady; C) Knight; Q) Queen; K) King
D)'s are the female Jack equivalent, Damsels.
L)'s are the female C) Rider equivalent, Ladies.
In the spirit of versatility I've been toying with a fifth suit of 13 multi suit cards. A major arcana similar to the old tarok decks. These can be marked with Roman numerals:
The backs of all the cards are divided into four quadrants.