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EverestA game for piecepack by Mark A. Biggar
Version 1.0, March 2003Copyright © 2002, 2003 by Mark A. Biggar4 players,
20-30 min
Game BackgroundEvery year on the summer solstice the male yeti in the
Himalayas have a contest to
determine which one will be the head of the pack for the next year. This
contest consistsof a game of “King of the Hill” combined with a snowball
fight. A yeti wins by being the
sole occupant of the mountain peak for a full round of the game.
Now there are four things you need to know about yeti in order to
understand how to play
the game. Yeti are:
1. Intelligent – They always make a plan before doing anything.
2. Meticulous – The plans they make are always step-by-step.
3. Stubborn – Once they make a plan, they always follow it completely, even
if itdoesn’t make sense any more.
4. Very very shy – A yeti will run away from anything that startles it,
even the roar of
another yeti.
Game set upFirst you must construct the mountain for the contest. In the
following diagrams the whitepart is the next layer of tiles to be added,
while the gray part is already built lower layers.
Start by building the base using 11 face-down tiles placed like so:

Then add 6 tiles in a 2x3 layer centered on the base:

Next add a 2x2 tile square centered to form the third layer.

Then add a two tile rectangle as the forth layer.

 Finely add a single tile in the center as the mountain peak.

 This should leave you with a board that looks like the following where the
 numbers are theheight in tile. In the following rules steps are one tile
 tall, while cliffs are two tiles tall.
The thick lines in the diagram show the locations of the cliffs.

 Give each player the pawn, die and six coins of the same color. Players
 place their pawnson one of the inside corners marked by the X’s in the
 next figure. These are the yeti home
bases, where they return for healing or after falling off the board.

Making a Plan for your YetiThe game consists of several rounds. At the
beginning of each round, all players prepare aplan of action that will
determine what their yeti will do during the round. A player builds
a plan by secretly selecting three of the player’s coins behind their hand.
Each of thesecoins represents one action that the player’s yeti will
perform during the round. They are
placed in a row and will be performed left to right.
The tick marks on the coins are used to denote directions on the board.
Only orthogonal
directions are used, no diagonals. Tick mark directions are relative to the
board not theplayer or the player’s pawn.
There are three actions that a yeti can perform:
1. Movement – a coin showing an ace, 2, 3, 4 or 5 specifies that the yeti
will move inthe direction shown by the tick mark using the corresponding
number (1, 2, 3, 4,
or 5) of movement points.
2. Roar – a blank coin specifies that the yeti will roar in the direction
of the tick mark.
3. Throw a snowball – a coin suit-side up specifies that the yeti throws a
snowball inthe direction of the tick mark.
It is possible for a player to have fewer than three coins available (due
to damage taken bythe yeti), in this case make a plan as long as possible.
A yeti’s second or third action will
then to be “stand there and look dazed” and the yeti does nothing for that
action. If youhave enough coins to plan three actions, then you must use
three coins.
After all of the plans are finished the players expose their plans for all
to see
Executing the plans Yeti plans are performed simultaneously one coin at a
time, i.e., every player does the firstcoin, then all do the second and so
on. Actions by different yeti are considered to be in
conflict if a different board configuration would result when the actions
are performedsequentially in two different orders. If there is a conflict,
then all players roll their dice and
the player with the high roll gets to choose the order for all the actions,
with onerestriction: all snowball throws still happen simultaneously. Here
are some examples of
possible conflicts: two or more yeti want to end the their action in the
same square, a yetiwants to move through the square of a stationary yeti,
two yeti are moving in the same or
opposite directions and have overlapping paths, and a thrown snowball could
miss due tothe movement of the target yeti. Two yeti moving in 90-degree
orthogonal paths do not
conflict, unless one of them wants to end its movement in the intersecting
square of theirpaths.

Yeti MovementYeti always move in a straight line and cannot climb cliffs.
If a yeti’s movement runs itinto a cliff from below, it stops and looses
the remainder of it movement for that action. If
it runs off a cliff from above, it falls off the cliff to the square below
and then continuesmoving in the same direction.
If a yeti’s action coin shows a number (ace meaning 1), the value
determines the numberof movement points (MP) the yeti has for the action.
MP are spent as follows:
• Move one square to the same or lower level 1 MP.
• Move one square up a step to a higher-level 2 MP.
Falling off a cliff will damage your yeti. Moving off the edge of the
board, not only endsthe yeti’s movement, but also cancels any remaining
actions for this round.
Pushing other Yeti If a yeti wants to move into a square occupied by
another yeti, then it must push that yeti
ahead of it. A yeti cannot be pushed up a cliff or into a square occupied
by another yeti, inthese cases the pushing yeti stops and looses any
remaining movement for this action.
Pushing a yeti costs additional movement points as follows:
• Moving into a square occupied by another Yeti
and pushing it to a square on the same or lowerlevel unless the pushing
yeti is falling off a cliff. +1 MP
• Moving into a square occupied by another Yeti
and pushing it to a square up one level +2 MP.
The MP cost for pushing is in addition to the MP cost needed to actually
move to thesquare. If a yeti has insufficient MP to push another yeti, it
ends its movement and looses
any remaining MP for that action. Note that falling off a cliff gives your
yeti a free pushon any yeti in the square you fall into. A yeti that is
pushed off the edge of the board
looses any unperformed actions for this round.
Throwing Snowballs A thrown snowball travels in a straight line until it
hits a yeti, runs into an upward step orcliff, or flies off the board. A
yeti hit by a snowball takes damage and is pushed one square
in the direction that the snowball was thrown. A snowball cannot push a
yeti up a step orcliff or into a square occupied by another yeti; in those
cases the hit yeti does not move. A
snowball freely goes downhill, but if it hits an upward step or cliff, it
goes splat and has noeffect; unless there is a yeti standing on the square
directly at the top of the step or cliff,
then the yeti gets hit instead. Thus you can throw a snowball one level up
hill at a yetistanding on the edge of a step or cliff.

Roaring The roar of a yeti can only affect any yeti that are in one of the
four squares next to theyeti. The roar always affects a yeti in the square
pointed to by the tick mark on the blank
coin. Yeti in the other three squares are only affected on the roll of a
blank on owningplayer’s die. An affected Yeti rolls a die and acts
according to the result:
2-5: the yeti runs away directly away from the roaring yeti using the
number of MP
shown on the die.
Ace: the yeti roars back at the roaring yeti, the original yeti must also
make a die rolland act accordingly, except that any ace result is treated
as a blank. Yeti in
other surrounding squares must make the check die roll as specified above
Blank: The yeti stands there and shivers.
If multiple roars are happening simultaneously, determine all yeti that are
affected first,then simultaneously roll on the above table for each yeti.
If any aces are rolled again
determine which additional yeti are affected and roll on the table for
them. After all yetithat are running away are determined, treat any
resulting movement like a regular action
turn including conflict resolution (all yeti that are not running away are
consideredstationary). Afterwards, complete any actions for the turn yet to
be performed. Note that
once a yeti is determined to be running away from a roar, it does not roll
for subsequentroars by any yeti that rolls an ace.
Damage  Whenever a yeti falls off a cliff or gets hit by a snowball it
takes damage. At the end of
each round, count up how many times each yeti took damage during the round
and thatyeti’s player must set aside that many coins. These coins cannot be
used as part of a plan
until the yeti is healed. At the end of any round, instead of setting aside
coins, a player canmove their yeti back to its starting square; all coins
set aside due to damage are returned
and that yeti operates as normal the next round. A player may do this even
if the yeti tookno damage for the round. If a yeti with no coins left or
that takes more damage then it has
coins left, then it must be returned to its starting square to heal. In
addition, if a yeti fallsoff the edge of the board, at the end of the round
it is also returned to its starting square,
but does not get any of its coins back; it can not heal until the end of
the next round.
Winning the GameA yeti wins the game if it starts a round as the sole
occupant of the peak tile and is still thesole occupant at the end of the

History 20020911 0.5 mab Original version20021012 0.6 mab Clarifications
and tweaks in response to
  playtest comments20030130 0.7 mab fixed typos and unclear rules
20030322 1.0 mab update for web page
Thank you for playing my game. Please report rules problems or variant
suggestions to mark@biggar.org.
Copyright © 2002, 2003 by Mark A. Biggar. Permission is granted to copy,
distribute and/or
modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
Invariant Sections, no
Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be
found at