This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of IceFloe
IceFloeA Changing Landscapes game for the piecepack and piecepack pyramids by Tim SchutzCopyright © 2002 by Tim SchutzRev. 0.4, December 20023-4 players - 60 minutes Game requirements 1 piecepack1 set of piecepack pyramids1 candlePaper and pencil/pen for keeping score StoryIt’s the middle of the winter and Whirlpool Pond is frozen solid. You’ve been icefishing, you’ve played hockey, you’ve done a lot of different ice sports and nowyou’re looking for something new to do. How about a game of IceFloe? Neverplayed before? Well, grab your chain saw, some spray paint, some smallexplosives and meet me on the pond. First we start by spray-painting the large 5x5 grid of spaces on the ice. Then wedrill a small hole in the middle of each space and place a small explosive in it.Next get your chainsaw and start cutting along the grid-lines to create the giantgame board of 25 ice floes. OK, now we use the torch to light the fuse andremove the center ice floe with a “boom” and the game begins. You got a love agame that starts with a bang. Time to play. This game is fairly easy to learn. There are 3 or 4 teams of sixplayers. Players can jump from ice floe to ice floe, but be careful because if thereis too much weight on one ice floe it might crack and into the lake and out of thegame you go. Ice floes will be removed with a bang one by one and hopefullyyou’re not standing on one when it goes, but hey you won’t get hurt because theexplosion is not that strong, it’ll just break up that ice floe into little pieces andyou’ll be a little cold and wet, and out of the game. The game ends when a teamhas lost all of its players into the pond or all the remaining players are on one icefloe and then the team with the most points, which are scored throughout thegame and have a lot to do with the size and weight of a player, wins. Setup The BoardYou will need all of the tiles to build the board. The tiles are placed suit sideup to create a 5x5 grid. The center space does not have a tile. The tilesshould be placed so they follow the pattern in the diagram below. In a three-player game the four corner pieces (the #2 sun, #3 moon, #4 arms and #5crown) are removed from the board. Player’s PiecesEach player selects a piecepack suit and takes the 6 piecepack pyramids, theace and number two coins, the pawn and the die that matches their suit. Therest of the coins are separated by numeric value and placed into four sets offour coins. Each set should have all four suits in it. Each player then takesone set of the four coins. Don't worry about the numeric value of the setsbecause the numeric value has no function other then creating sets of fourcoins with all four suits in it. The PawnThe pawn is your colored mascot and stands proudly in front of you rootingfor your team. He also makes it easier to remember who is who. Roll The Die All the players roll their die. The highest number (5 being the maximum) wins;if there is a tie then those that tied re-roll until a winner is found. That’s it thegame is over, only kidding. Placing The PyramidsStarting with the player that won the die roll and going clockwise, playersplace down their “A” pyramid on the board, then again starting with the playerthat won the roll place down the “B” pyramid and keep going in this fashionuntil all the pyramids are on the board. Only one pyramid may occupy a tile ata time at this point of the game. In a three player game there should be twounoccupied tiles left after all of the pyramids have been placed. Note: This isstill part of the setup of the game although there is some strategy in placingthe pyramids. The TorchThe player that won the die roll gets the candle and is the first Torch Bearer. Ifthere is no candle available to use you can use some other flame-bearingitem instead. Some suggestions, a wooden match, a lighter, a candle stickholder, etc. The candle represents the torch that is used to light the fuse onthe explosives. The torch will be passed clockwise from player to player at theend of each round during the game. The player that has possession of thetorch is the current Torch Bearer and starts that round and decides the outcome of all ties during that round. There is more information in the TorchBearer part of the rules. Game SummaryThe game is played in rounds. Each round starts with the movement of gamepieces. Players then vote on the numeric value of the tile to be removed and thenthe suit of the tile to be removed. The tile and any pieces on it are then removedfrom the game. The scoring part of the round is next, however scoring does notstart until the forth or fifth round depending on the number of players in the game.Players are allowed to make comments about the current status of the game oron a tile they would like to see removed from the game, however there somerules regarding comments please see Commentary for the rules. The round endswith the passing of the torch to the new Torch Bearer. MovementStarting with the Torch Bearer and going clockwise a player must either moveone of his own pyramids or slide one of the tiles. See Piece Movement for therules. Note: It is possible for a tile and any pyramids on that tile to be removedfrom the game during this part of the round. Vote On The Number Value Of A TileBefore you cast your vote this is a great time to make a comment in anattempt to sway the vote. Remember to follow the rules of commentary if youdo decide to speak. The Torch Bearer should always say: ”before we vote arethere any comments”. The players then vote on the number value of the tile tobe removed by placing that number so it is the face up number on their die.The die should be concealed under a cupped hand until all the players areready and then everyone reveals their vote at the same time. If a playeraccidentally (or on purpose) votes for a value that is no longer valid, his voteis void. “Oops”. If there is a tie the Torch Bearer is the tiebreaker. See TorchBearer for the rules. Players can also add weight to their vote by using theAce and/or #2 coin. See Voting Coins for the rules. Vote On The Suit Value Of A TileOnce again another great time to make a comment in attempt to sway thevote and once again the Torch Bearer should always say: ”before we vote isthere any comments”. The players then vote on the suit value of the tile to beremoved by selecting that suit from one of the four identically numbered coinsthey have. The coin should be placed number side up to conceal the suit orcan be concealed under a cupped hand until all the players are ready andthen everyone reveals their vote at the same time. If a player accidentally (oron purpose) votes for a value that is no longer valid, his vote is void. “Oops,once again”. If there is a tie the Torch Bearer is the tiebreaker. See TorchBearer for the rules. Players can also add weight to their vote by using theAce and/or #2 coins. See Voting Coins for the rules. Remove The TileThe tile that was voted on is removed from the game by the Torch Bearer (heis the one responsible for lighting the fuse) and if any pyramids are on that tilethey are also removed from the game. Remove An Empty TileSometimes a Torch Bearer gets a little excited from the explosion of an icefloe and lights another one by accident. In an attempt to appease those TorchBearers with little self- control it has been decided that after a Torch Bearerexplodes the voted on ice floe and if there is more then one unoccupiedicefloe, he may also explode one of the unoccupied ice floes of his choice ifhe so wishes. Translation: If there is more then one unoccupied tile at thispoint the Torch Bearer may remove one of his choice. ScoringThe scoring part of a round does not start until the fourth round in a three-player game or the fifth round in a four-player game. Basically, scoring startsafter everyone has had one turn as the Torch Bearer. Starting with the TorchBearer and going clockwise each player selects one tile that is still in thegame and any and all pyramids on the selected tiles score for their players.So you probably want to pick a tile that benefits you the most and score theleast for the other players. See Scoring for the rules. End Of The RoundThe Torch Bearer now hands the torch to the player on his left (the new TorchBearer) a new round begins. RulesPiece MovementA player must move either one of his pyramids or slide a tile on his turn. Morethen one pyramid may occupy a tile at a time, however pyramids have aweight assigned to them and if the maximum weight of a tile is exceeded thenthat tile and all of the pyramids on that tile are removed immediately from thegame. The maximum weight a tile can take is 5. The chart below shows theweight of the pyramids. A=1B=1C=2D=2E=3F=3It is possible to have up to 5 pyramids on a single tile, but impossible to havetwo E pyramids, two F pyramids, or and F and an E pyramid on a single tile. Pyramids can move one space in any of the 8 directions either diagonally, ororthogonally. Pyramids can also move by jumping over one space to the space directlybehind it in any of the 8 directions either diagonally or orthogonally and canjump over a space that no longer has a tile on it to a space that does. A pyramid can move one or two times for a maximum of three spaces.Example: You move your pyramid one space to the right, and then jump twospaces diagonally down and right over a missing tile for a total ofthree spaces. Tiles can slide one space in any of the 4 orthogonal directions only and youmust have a least one of your own pyramids on a tile to slide it. Tiles cannotbe slide outside the original 5x5 grid and cannot push other tiles while sliding.Example: You slide a tile with your pyramid on it one space to the left. CommentaryDuring the game and before voting players are allowed to make commentaryabout the current state of the game or board in an attempt to try and sway thevote. There are some rules to making commentary.You cannot:• Mention the name of a suit, color or numeric value of a game tile. • Mention a player’s suit, color or proper name when referring to the boardor pieces on the board.• Point to, or use the words “left, right, bottom, top, center or any otherdirectional word in an attempt to give a clear idea to everyone what tileyou intend to vote on.• Make a deal with another player to vote the same way as you. You can speak in a way that does not break the above stated rules.Some examples of acceptable commentary are:• I don’t know if anyone noticed but someone has some major pointsfloating out there all alone.• It would be nice to get an empty tile out of here. If a player breaks the rules stated he does not get to vote until the next round. Ifthere is any doubt about his breaking the rules then the other players vote on ifhe gets to vote or not. Ties are always decided by the Torch Bearer. Yes, theTorch Bearer can decide if there is a tie and the vote was on whether he gets tovote or not. During the scoring part of a round, players are allowed to state the name of a tileor point to it to indicate that is the tile they wish to score on. Torch BearerThere are certain responsibilities that come with being the Torch Bearer. Ofcourse everyone likes that they get to blow up an ice floe when the time hasarrived, but it not all fun and games. The Torch Bearer also is the first playerto move in a round and gets to decide the outcome of a vote if there is a tie,but he can only choose one of the choices that was actually voted on.Example: if there were two votes for Arms and two votes for Moons he wouldonly get to pick between Arms and Moons. Okay, so it’s not a lot ofresponsibility and it is all fun and games. Voting CoinsEach player starts the game with an Ace and a #2 coin. These coins can beused to add weight to your vote. Example: It’s a 3-player game and your twoopponents vote to have the icefloe that you have a piece on removed. Youplay your #2 coin and change the vote from a 2 to 1 vote against you to a 3 to2 vote in your favor. A player can add either one or both coins to his vote oranother player’s vote, but once a player uses a coin he cannot use that coinagain. An ace would add one to your vote; a #2 adds two to your vote andboth coins add three to your vote. Once you add the coins to a vote you cannot change your mind and take them back and the other players still havethe option to add coins to a vote if they have any left. If you cause a tie byadding to your coin the Torch Bearer decides the outcome. ScoringIn the scoring part of the round, starting with the Torch Bearer each playerselects any one tile that is still in the game. Players are allowed to choose thesame tile. Once a player selects a tile all pyramids that are on that tile scorespoints for the owners of those pyramids. Points are scored according to theScoring Table and are recorded on a piece of paper. Scoring TableA = 1 pointsB = 2 pointsC = 3 pointsD = 4 pointsE = 5 pointsF = 6 points Scoring example: Joe selects a tile that has his F, Bill’s A and Jill’s A pyramids on it,Bill selects a tile that has only his D pyramid and Jill selects a tilethat has her E and Joe’s A. The total scores for this round wouldbe Joe with 7, Bill with 5 and Jill with 6. End of GameThe game ends when either a player has lost of all his pyramids or all of thepyramids still left in the game end up on one tile after the movement part ofthe round has ended. There is one last scoring round although it is a littledifferent at the end of the game. Instead of players selecting a tile, they scoreon all of their pyramids that are still left in the game according to the scoringchart, and the player with the most points is the winner. If there is a tie thenthe player that is the Torch Bearer decides who the winner is and if he is notone of the players that are tied for the winner, then you can now bribe himwith whatever you want. Money always works for me. If he doesn’t want tochoose a winner because no one bribed him sufficiently or he is afraid of therepercussions then he can call it a shared victory and feel his burden hasbeen lifted. Credits and ThanksThanks to the play-testers Chris Sjoholm, Ron Hale-Evans, Marty Hale-Evans, JTThomas, Steve Dupree and Jason Chein. Thanks to everyone for their suggestionsand comment during game play. A special thanks to Ron Hale-Evans for help in thedevelopment of the scoring mechanism which was created after the first play-testrevealed a flaw in the game. Copyright © 2002 by Tim Schutz Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify thisdocument under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any laterversion published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front- CoverTexts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found at