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Piecepack Klondike
A Solitary Confinement game for the piecepack by Eric Witt
Version 1.0, September 17, 2003
Copyright © 2003 by Eric Witt, Electronicwaffle@yahoo.com
1 player, 5 minutes

License Restrictions: This game may be distributed freely without charge, as long as
this header stays in place and the document has no front or back
cover. The author retains full ownership rights.

Equipment: 24 tiles of one piecepack

Piecepack Klondike is derived from a Solitaire staple, but it’s not quite the same.

Turn all tiles face down and shuffle.
Lay the tiles out in a standard Klondike pattern; a row with one tile face up, five tiles face
down. Then another row on top of this, one tile face up, four tiles face down. (Ignore all
piles with face up tiles when dealing out the tiles.) Once completed, the tiles should form
6 towers of varied height. Three tiles are not used and are set aside.

The game play is based on Klondike and other solitaire mechanics, yet no stock is
available. Ace tiles play as playing card aces. Once an ace is available remove it from the
tableau and start it as a foundation. Null tiles play as playing card kings. You may move a
null (and all tiles on top of it) to an open space (from the original 6) when one is

You build down (Move tiles from pile to pile alone or in number ordered piles) in
sequence as in Klondike; color/suit does not matter when building, except tiles of the
same color/suit may not build on each other. (You may not put a 4 of arms on a 5 of arms
etc.) When a tile becomes available (in sequence) to build on an ace, you may move it to
the appropriate foundation. However, you MUST resolve all movement of tiles before
new tiles are turned face up.

Winning the game
This game places the player at a disadvantage with three tiles never seeing play. To
accommodate for this, you have “won” the game if you can place 9 or more tiles in
foundations. (Include aces into this number.)