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Siege by Number
A game for the piecepack by Matt WordenVersion 1.0, March 2003Copyright © 2003 by Matt
Worden2 to 4 players, 30 to 90 minutes Licensing: Game rules can be freely
distributed. Author retains copyright.
“Siege by Number” is a game designed to make use of the components of the
standard“piecepack”, as designed by James Kyle (see www.piecepack.org for more
informationon the piecepack). It is a tactical battle game for up to four players,
using tiles to formthe gameboard, and coins and pawns as playing pieces. Dice are used
to determine howfar pieces can move, while the coin values determine the outcome of
the one-on-onebattles that take place in the game.
A very simple one: Four kingdoms go to war with each other. The commanders for
eachfaction send out their armies in an attempt to conquer another’s home. If any
commandercan set foot within their enemy’s home, they are sure to win the day.
The game consists of a board, the four players’ pieces (coins and pawn of their
color),and four dice (used by all players in the game).
The gameboard consists of a special arrangement of tiles – eight facedown
tiles(showing the grid of quarter-tile-sized squares), and the four Ace tiles face-
up.Start by forming a square from four of the facedown tiles. From each corner ofthis
2x2 tile square, line up a single facedown tile so that only one half of its
edgealigns with half of an existing tile’s edge (this produces a match-up of the
quarter-tile-sized squares between the new tile and the existing one). Finally, line
up eachof the face-up Aces against the newest tiles in the same fashion.

When finished, you should have a board that resembles this:

  For games with less than four players, remove the Ace tile and the tile adjacent
  tothat Ace for each color that won’t be used. Each Ace tile will be considered a
  single square. Otherwise, movement in thegame is made between the quarter-tile-sized
  squares shown on the facedown tiles.
Players’ Pieces
Each player picks the color they will be playing and gets all of the coins(“Armies”)
and the pawn (“Commander”) for that color. Each player shufflestheir coins facedown
and puts them into a vertical stack. The stack of Armies andCommander are placed off-
board near the player’s Ace tile (“Home Base”).
Starting Player
To determine which player starts, each player rolls the die of his or her color.
Theplayer who rolls the largest number (consider Null as 0, and Ace as 1) goes
first,and play moves clockwise around the board. If two or more players tie with
thelargest number, all players re-roll.
The objective of the game is to move your Commander onto another player’s Home
Basetile. The first player who achieves the objective wins the game.
Each turn consists of three phases. Each player carries out all three phases of their
turn,then control is passed clockwise to the next player. Turns continue until one
player isable to move their Commander onto another player’s Home Base tile. The three
phasesof a turn are:

1. Add to Home Base
If the player’s Home Base tile is empty, they must add the top-most Army (coin)from
their stack to that tile (coins are always kept facedown on the board, exceptwhen
resolving a battle). If all Armies are already out on the board, then theCommander
(pawn) must be added to that tile. If all Armies and the Commanderare already out on
the board, then the Home Base tile will remain empty for theturn.
2. Roll Dice
The player rolls 1 die for each piece (Armies + Commander) that is currently onthe
board, up to the maximum of 4 dice.
3. Move Pieces and Carry Out Attacks
For each die that is rolled, the player can move a piece and determine if he or
shewould like to carry out an attack with it, if it is an Army (Commanders
cannotinitiate attacks). Movement is carried out only in the 4 major compass
directions (no diagonalmovement). The number on the die indicates the maximum number
of squaresthe player can move that piece (Nulls are considered 0, and Aces are
considered1). The player can choose to move the piece none, some, or all of the
squaresshown on the die. Armies cannot jump or walk over any other pieces in the
game.Commanders can walk over their own Armies during their move as long as theyend up
on an empty square or an empty Home Base tile. Once the movement is completed, the
player removes that die from play and candecide whether to use the piece that was just
moved in an attack. Attacks can be carried out on any opponent’s piece (Army or
Commander) that isadjacent to the current piece in any of the 4 major compass
directions (nodiagonal attacks). The involved Armies are flipped over to reveal their
value andthe battle is resolved accordingly (see “Resolving Battles” below). If an
Armyloses a battle, it is removed from the board by its owner and placed at the
bottomof the Army stack. If a Commander loses a battle, it is removed from the boardby
its owner and placed off-board near that player’s Home Base tile again. Thewinning
Army is flipped back over to be facedown on its own square (it does not take over the
square of the losing Army or Commander). A piece can only be moved once per turn.
After all rolled dice have been used,the dice are passed to the next player and the
current player’s turn is over.
Resolving Battles
Battles Between Armies
Both Army coins are flipped over to reveal their values. For the most part, thehigher
valued coin (consider nulls as 0 and aces as 1) wins the battle. The only

exception is that a Null coin defeats a 5. The losing Army is removed from theboard by
its owner and returned to the bottom of their stack. The winning Armyis flipped back
over to be facedown on its own square on the board (it does not takeover the losing
Army’s square).
Coin Value Defeats Loses ToNull 5 Ace, 2, 3, 4
Ace Null 2, 3, 4, 5
2 Null, Ace 3, 4, 5
3 Null, Ace, 2 4, 5
4 Null, Ace, 2, 3 5
5 Ace, 2, 3, 4 Null
 If both coins have the same value, the battle ends in a draw and both Armiesremain on
 the board, facedown on their own squares.
Battles Between an Army and a Commander
The attacking Army coin is flipped over to reveal its value. If the coin is a Null or
an Ace, it wins and the Commander is removed from the board. The winningArmy is
flipped over to be facedown on its own square on the board (it does not take over the
losing Commander’s square). A coin of any other value (besidesNull or Ace) loses the
battle and is removed from the board and returned to thebottom of its stack. The
winning Commander remains on his own square on theboard.
Coin Value WinnerNull Army
Ace Army
2 Commander
3 Commander
4 Commander
5 Commander