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The Assassination Game le
A variation of TMAG by k.Leyhe using only a piecepack.
By Ken Leyhe
Ver 1.0 Written 05/02
A game for 3 -8 players using piecepack.

1. Objective

    To be the be the first victim to touch all of the secure bases.

2. Equipment

    piecepack or Piecepack Expanded (for 5-8 players)

3. Set-Up

    A. Set up the tiles face-down in a 5X5 (6X6 for 6-8 players) board with a the center
    being empty, this is the Safe House.

    B. Place an Ace coin face-down on one square on each side of the board.

    C. Each player chooses a pawn and the remaining numbered coins of the corresponding

    D. Roll to see who will be the first victim, the other players are assassins.

    E. The victim starts in the Safe House, the assassins start on opposite corners of
    the board. For 6-8 players the assassins start one square out from the coners, with 2
    to a corner.

4. Play

    A. The victim takes a turn after each assassin.

    B. Victim's Turn

        i. Roll the die and move the spaces indicated orthologically, you may change
        directions but you may not backtrack onto the space you just left.

        ii. On a roll of 0 (Null) you may re-roll. Aces count as 1.

        iii. Once the victim has left the Safe House he may not re-enter.

        iv. You may not pass over an assassin.

        v. You must land on the bases by exact count. When you land on a base place one
        of your coins next to it just off of the board as a reminder.

    C. Assassin's Turn

        i. Your goal is to capture the victim by landing on him.

        ii. Roll the die and move the spaces indicated orthologically, you may change
        directions but you may not backtrack onto the space you just left.

        iii. On a roll of 0 (Null) you cannot move this turn. Aces count as 1.

        iv. You may not land on a base but you may pass over it.

        v. You may not enter the Safe House.

        vi. If you land on the victim.

            a. You become the victim and move your pawn to the Safe House.

            b. The old victim becomes an assassin and his coins are removed from the

            c. Play continues with the new victim taking his first turn.

5. Winning

    A. A small victory goes to any assassin who catches the victim.

    B. Truly winning the game is only possible by the victim who touches all four bases.

6. Variations

    A. For a shorter and easier game don't remove a victims coins when they are captured.