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  • 21:09 UTC (diff) Where No One Has Gamed Before Playtest Page . . . . RonHaleEvans creating a new page
  • 19:54 UTC (diff) Where No One Has Gamed Before Playtest Page . . . . danielharward I have no idea what I'm doing here, so I'm posting the file in the summary box.... I apologize if I'm messing with things, I've tried to make changes a few times now.. Piecepack Standard Deck The Piecepack Standard Deck is a deck consisting of 44 cards split into the four piecepack suits. (Suns, Moons, Crowns, Arms) Each suit contains 10 cards. 5 cards numbered Null – A – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5. Additionally, Each suit has 4 face or court cards marked with roman numerals I - II - III – IV. There are four fools, one for each suit. Court cards. I don’t know that I love the roman numeral for distinction. The typical K – Q – J markings wouldn’t work because the cards do not fall into those classifications. I thought of skipping 6 and going with 7-10 but that may be confusing, so I’m sticking with roman numerals. For now. Each suit has its own theme for the court cards. The suns are based around Commerce/town life The moons are Nightlife The Arms are military The Crowns are Royalty The courts are known as the following: Suns - I) Poet; II) Courier; III) Madam; IV) Merchant Moons - I) Thief; II) Ranger; III) Huntress; IV) Scholar Crowns- I) Soldier; II) General; III) Maiden [ie. Joan of Arc]; IV) Commander Arms - I) Prince; II) Knight; III) Queen; IV) King The backs of the cards could be divided into four sections as the tiles are, especially if they are square like tiles. I pictured them as standard playing card sized with the backs separated into halves. (minor)
  • 19:53 UTC (diff) Where No One Has Gamed Before Playtest Page . . . . danielharward I have no idea what I'm doing here, so I'm posting the file in the summary box.... I apologize if I'm messing with things, I've tried to make changes a few times now.. Piecepack Standard Deck The Piecepack Standard Deck is a deck consisting of 44 cards split into the four piecepack suits. (Suns, Moons, Crowns, Arms) Each suit contains 10 cards. 5 cards numbered Null – A – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5. Additionally, Each suit has 4 face or court cards marked with roman numerals I - II - III – IV. There are four fools, one for each suit. Court cards. I don’t know that I love the roman numeral for distinction. The typical K – Q – J markings wouldn’t work because the cards do not fall into those classifications. I thought of skipping 6 and going with 7-10 but that may be confusing, so I’m sticking with roman numerals. For now. Each suit has its own theme for the court cards. The suns are based around Commerce/town life The moons are Nightlife The Arms are military The Crowns are Royalty The courts are known as the following: Suns - I) Poet; II) Courier; III) Madam; IV) Merchant Moons - I) Thief; II) Ranger; III) Huntress; IV) Scholar Crowns- I) Soldier; II) General; III) Maiden [ie. Joan of Arc]; IV) Commander Arms - I) Prince; II) Knight; III) Queen; IV) King The backs of the cards could be divided into four sections as the tiles are, especially if they are square like tiles. I pictured them as standard playing card sized with the backs separated into halves.










