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Re: on D4s

--- In piecepack@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Schoessow" 
<mikeschoessow@c...> wrote:

>   Another possibility that just occured to me is, 
> Red/Green/Blue/Black/blank/any. It would probably be best to 
> indicate the "any" face symbolically (rather than printing "any" on 
> the face) so that designers could utilize it for varied purposes.

As mentioned in the recently posted Piecepack Design FAQ, such a die 
was considered for the piecepack design (...special die [with null, 
wild, suns, moons, crowns, and arms sides]...) and I have one of 
these in a bin somewhere from an early prototype.  On the die I made, 
I marked the suit (in appropriate color) on four sides, then for the 
wild I just sort of divided a circle into quarters and colored them.  
I think Ed's suggestion of replacing that color pie with the ace 
symbol is a good one.

As an aside, when I want to randomly select a suit, I just roll all 
four dice and the die showing the highest result becomes the chosen 
suit.  This has added interest in that ties are possible if the 
designer wishes to allow and account for them, or else (intuitively) 
ties can just be rolled off.
