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Re: Rules on my PalmOS handheld

Can each author post the rules in Word format? I know personally I 
have all of my games in word format. I have no problem with posting 
the word format versions Choosy Sushi, Berlin and DBDDBS in the file 
section in a new folder.  These would go along with Camels Quest and 
Pawnopoly. I will preserve the 3 rulesets for the Solitaire comp as 
well and post them after the comp is over . The other two games I 
plan on releasing this year will also have their word formats 
reserved.  This will be 10 games total.

While this is horribly onesided of me, it is all I have, and don't 
mind posting the word formats of them. I assume some other members 
kept their "original"  copy. 

Would this take up too much space, can we do this, and can others 
follow suit? 


P.S. I plan on releasing two games (Non-competion) to the "Rulesets 
in Progress"  section around 12-24-03. (2004 looks promising as 
well, 5 game ideas left currently in various stages of pre-design, 
and of course who knows what the *next* competition may inspire.)