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The original piecepack community email list archives, 2000-2020

This is an imperfect archive of the piecepack mailing list that was hosted by Yahoo! from about November 2000 to December 2020. Email addresses are partially anonymized, some messages are apparently encrypted by Gmail, and a few of the final messages, from after I made this archive, are also missing. I will do what I can to remedy these issues, but I thought it was best to upload this message archive as soon as possible.

ASCII is so compact, the whole 20-year archive is only 10MB in size. Feel free to download it or read it online.

RonHaleEvans <>, 26 Dec 2020

MHonArc HTML renderings

A couple different html renderings of the mailing list via MHonArc:

Also individual messages (by Yahoo mailing list number) should be available by number e.g.


Narkive has a mirror of the Gmane piecepack mailing list archive that runs from circa 2005-2015. You might not find it as user friendly as the MHonArc archive, but if you're looking for a particular missing message, it could help.

Potentially missing messages

The last six messages (sent after the MailingList archive was made) as well as message numbers not present in the archive:

Referenced in the wiki but not found in archive:

MHonArc threw font/html encoding warnings for the following messages (MHonArc numbering):