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How many games strong is Piecepack now? Is there a limit to this number?

Some time ago we compared ourselves to "S.L.I.C.K." (Sortable List 
of Icehouse's Cool Kindred)  Have we surpassed their numbers yet? 
How far away are we from 100 games? LOL  could we then have a 
Piecepack "Games 100"? 

Is their a Limit to the number of games Piecepack can create? should 
we ever explore creating more tiles and coins per suit? (should we 
go up to 10 in tiles and coins per suit, or say 4 Ace-Red-Coins 
etc?) Should we explore the use of more bits? Is this nesescary yet?

Surely everyrone's creativity comes in spurts. Are there any factors 
that affect these spurts? should we bounce more ideas off of each 
other? Im not stating that Piecepack is dying in any sense of the 
word, I'm just trying to stimulate the groups thought. I hope this 
wont "jinx" or leech on to energies in the piecepack game creating 
