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Mind Performance Hacks

http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/covers/mindperfhks.s.gif http://static.flickr.com/41/94905046_024d2b8230_m.jpg

Mind Performance Hacks ISBN:0596101538 is a book by RonHaleEvans, maintainer of the Mentat Wiki. (It also contains hacks from some of the OtherContributors.) The book was published by O'Reilly Media in February 2006. Mind Performance Hacks addresses many of the same topics as this wiki, in O'Reilly's well-known Hacks format. There is some overlap between the book and the wiki, but each contains plenty of new material too.

The official home page for Mind Performance Hacks is http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596101534/, but this page is the central support page for the book. You'll find links to separate pages for each of the book's 75 hacks below, where you can comment on the book, suggest material for a sequel or second edition, make corrections, and so on.

All web links from the book have been added to the hack pages below. Share and Enjoy!

The Sequel

Mindhacker, to be published 22 August 2011.

The Hacks

Here are the links to the book's hacks, listed by the hack's number and sorted by chapter.

Chapter 1. Memory

1. RememberTenThingsToBring

2. UseTheNumberShapeSystem

3. MakeLotsOfLittleJourneys

4. StashThingsInNooksAndCrannies

5. UseTheMajorSystem

6. UseTheDominicSystem

7. VisitTheHotelDominic

8. DominateYourMemory

9. MemorizeNumbersWithCarrollsCouplets

10. TuneInToYourMemory

11. ConsumeYourInformationInChunks

12. OvercomeTheTipOfTheTongueEffect

Chapter 2. Information Processing

13. CatchYourIdeas

14. WriteFaster

15. SpeakYourBrainsLanguage

16. MapYourMind

17. BuildAnExoself

18. PreDeleteCruft

Chapter 3. Creativity

19. SeedYourMentalRandomNumberGenerator

20. ForceYourConnections

21. ContemplatePo

22. ScamperForIdeas

23. DeckYourselfOut

24. ConstrainYourself

25. ThinkAnalogically

26. EnjoyGoodCleanMemeticSex

27. PlayMindMusic

28. SoundYourBrainWithOnar

29. KeepaDreamJournal

30. HoldaQuestionInMind

31. AdoptaHero

32. GoBackwardToBeMoreInventiveGoingForward

33. SpendMoreTimeThinking

34. ExtendYourIdeaSpaceWithWordSpectra

Chapter 4. Math

35. PutDownThatCalculator

36. MakeFriendsWithNumbers

37. TestForDivisibility

38. CalculateMentalChecksums

39. TurnYourHandsIntoAnAbacus

40. CountToaMillionOnYourFingers

41. EstimateOrdersOfMagnitude

42. EstimateSquareRoots

43. CalculateAnyWeekday

Chapter 5. Decision Making

44. ForeseeImportantProblems

45. PredictTheLengthofaLifetime

46. FindDominantStrategies

47. EliminateDominatedStrategies

48. DontOverthinkIt

49. RollTheDice

Chapter 6.Communication

50. PutYourWordsInTheBlender

51. LearnAnArtificialLanguage

52. CommunicateInEprime

53. LearnMorseCodeLikeAnEfficiencyExpert

54. HarnessStageFright

55. AskStupidQuestions

56. StopMemoryBufferOverrun

Chapter 7. Clarity

57. LearnYourEmotionalAbcs

58. AvoidCognitiveDistortions

59. UseTheFourfoldBreath

60. LearnToMeditate

61. HypnotizeYourself

62. TalkToYourself

63. InterviewYourself

64. CultivateTheNaiveMind

65. EmployMentalMomentum

Chapter 8. Mental Fitness

66. WarmUpYourBrain

67. PlayBoardGames

68. ImproveVisualAttentionThroughVideoGames

69. DontNeglectTheObviousSleepNutritionAndExercise

70. GetaGoodNightsSleep

71. NavigateAroundThePostLunchDip

72. OverclockYourBrain

73. LearnTheFactsAboutCognitiveEnhancers

74. SnapYourselfToAttention

75. AssembleYourMentalToolbox